Sustainable blue economy
The Marine Institute is co-creating solutions with communities and stakeholders and informing policy for nature-positive change and a sustainable circular economy

Through our whole-system transdisciplinary approach to solutions-oriented research, we are supporting the move to a sustainable blue economy
€4.1 million project using cutting edge technology to enhance the habitats of key fish species
Building capacity for sustainable interactions with marine ecosystems for the benefit of coastal communities in Southeast Asia
Promotion of green economy in the Atlantic Area through the development of eco-innovative products, parts and components by maritime industries
Developed a new habitat classification system adopted by the UK government and EU to enable the development of ecologically meaningful maps. Read the REF2021 summary
Developed new plankton indicators that contributed to the first ever regional marine biodiversity assessment in Europe and led to policy changes across the continent. Read the REF2021 summary
Pioneered a whole site management approach to the marine conservation of a Marine Protected Area (Lyme Bay). Read the REF2021 summary
We also supervise postgraduate research in the following areas: