FISH INTEL Interreg France (Channel) England
€4.1million project using cutting edge technology to enhance the habitats of key fish species

Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
Video: Sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax. Credit: Olivia Langmead
University of Plymouth - Lead Partner
University of Exeter: THUNNUS UK
Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority Isles of Scilly
Marine Conservation Society
Institut français de recherche pour l’exploitation de la mer (Ifremer)
France Énergies Marines
Université de Bretagne Occidentale
Flanders Marine Institute
Comite Departmental du Finistere
Comite Regional des Peches Maritimes Normandie
France Energies Marines is currently monitoring fish and crustaceans at offshore wind farm sites in the Channel, Atlantic and Mediterranean.
This work is part of the FISH INTEL project, led by the University and funded by the EU’s Interreg France (Channel) England programme.
Researchers from the University are working with communities in the Isles of Scilly and elsewhere to monitor crawfish populations.
Led by the University, FISH INTEL will aim to establish a comprehensive picture of fish movements and the habitats individual species prefer.
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