Dr Zoe Brookes
Associate Professor of Dental Education and Research
Group lead
Dr Raul Bescos Garcia
Associate Professor of Human Nutrition and Physiology
Group lead
Professor Ewen McColl
Head of Peninsula Dental School
Dr Patricia Casas Agustench
Lecturer in Nutrition
Dr Ness Avery
Clinical Lecturer in Dental Education
Professor Robert Witton
Professor of Community Dentistry
Ms Amazon Doble
PhD student
Miss Lisa du Toit
PhD student
Dr Katie Muddiman
Senior Technician in Antimicrobial Resistance
Dr Mimoza Cana-Bishop
Clinical Facilitator/Supervisor (Dentist)
Miss Lauren Hallewell
PhD student
Recent publications and new advances
Appropriate clinical use of Chlorhexidine; a mouthwash that altersthe diversity of the oral microbiome, the acidity of the oral environment and bloodpressure via nitrate reducing bacteria.
Bescos R, Ashworth A, Cutler C. et al. Effects of Chlorhexidinemouthwash on the oral microbiome. SciRep 2020 10; 5254.
Brookes ZLS, Bescos R, Belfield LA, Ali K, Roberts A. Currentuses of chlorhexidine for management of oral disease: a narrative review. JDent 2020, 103:103497.
Advising the general public on appropriate mouthwash use:
Discovering new mechanisms by which the oral microbiome and diet contribute to cardiovascular health
Ashworth A, Cutler C, Farnham G, Liddle L, Burleigh M, Rodiles A, Sillitti C, Kiernan M, Moore M, Hickson M, Easton C, Bescos R. Dietary intake of inorganic nitrate in vegetarians and omnivores and its impact on blood pressure, resting metabolic rate and the oral microbiome. Free Radic Biol Med 2019;138:63-72.
Shifting opinions from ‘killing’ bacteria to ‘balancing’ microbiological ecosystems.
The entero-salivary nitrate reducing pathway may be a causal mechanism linking oral and cardiovascular health, as oral bacteria converting nitrate to nitrite from green leafy vegetables produces nitric oxide that decreases blood pressure and maintains homeostasis.
Brookes ZLS, Belfield LA, Ashworth A,Casas-Agustench P, Raja M, Pollard AJ, Bescos R. Effects of chlorhexidinemouthwash on the oral microbiome. J Dent. 2021; 113:103768.
Peninsula Dental School advising general dentists in primary care how to become involved in dental research.
Brookes Z, Mills I, Witton R. et al. Top tips for incorporating research. Br Dent J 232, 427–429 (2022).
Translational research and clinical trials
Blood pressure screening in primary care within Peninsula Dental Social Enterprise
Oral health care packages in primary care dental practices
Oral microbiome dysbiosis linked to hypertension
Leading on discovery science linking the oral microbiome and cardiovascular health.
Blood pressure clinics in PDSE primary care dental clinics, are also supporting clinical research trials investigating links between the oral microbiome / periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease in a dental primary care setting. Patients samples are used in Dr Bescos’ laboratory to facilitate oral microbiome metagenomic analysis and biochemical analysis of nitrate, nitrite and lactate in different oral niches. These projects have been expanded internationally to work with the University of Barcelona, University of Rwanda, and the University of Qatar Dental Schools.
Novel mouthwashes maintaining the oral microbiome and cardiovascular health
Pathogenic bacteria within the brain originating from the oral cavity
Women’s health and the oral microbiome
Diet, the oral microbiome and cardiovascular health
Physical activity, the oral microbiome and cardiovascular health
PhD studentships
Oral microbiome and hypertension
Oral microbiome and novel mouthwashes
Links between oral and systemic disease: primary care dental research
Dietetics services at the dentist
Contact the Oral Microbiome Research Group
Current collaborators, with thanks
We would like to thank the following organisations for funding University of Plymouth Oral Microbiome Research
Plymouth Institute of Health and Care Research
Our work is grounded in the needs of the people of the South West and other rural, coastal, and deprived communities worldwide, but PIHR’s research has national and international reach and impact.
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