Scientist In laboratory

Welcome to Biomedical Research at the University of Plymouth

Our research is aimed at understanding the molecular and cellular processes underlying human health and disease with a key aim to translate this research into diagnostic and therapeutic applications.

Investment in state-of-the-art genomic, proteomic and imaging technologies have allowed a systems-led approach to explore the interacting networks of genes, molecules and cells underpinning disease processes.

Our research in Diagnostics utilises interdisciplinary approaches to identify novel molecular disease markers and therapies.

Peninsula Medical School news

Kerenza Bryson
Olympic selection for Plymouth medical graduate

Kerenza Bryson will compete in the Modern Pentathlon at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games

26 June 2024

School of Biomedical Sciences news

Roman Baths, Bath, UK
Could the Roman Baths help scientists counter the challenge of antibiotic resistance?

A study led by the University has uncovered a diverse array of microorganisms within the waters of the popular tourist attraction

31 May 2024