Make a difference by studying sustainable communities
We’re creating sustainable cities and communities, but we need to do more – find out how you can make a difference by studying a masters

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
If the UK is to hit its ambitious efficiency targets, then we need to ensure that our buildings are performing to their maximum capabilities. We’re trying to change the world, physically change it.
Professor Steve Goodhew
Professor of Environmental Building and Discipline Leader
We are recognised as an innovative leader in higher education for sustainability, across teaching and learning, research and our University operations
The CobBauge project
Using natural materials to reduce energy used in buildings and construction
Helping to design a smarter tomorrow
Learn more about Katharine Willis, Professor of Smart Cities and Communities
Net-Zero Carbon / Climate Action
We recognise that achieving net-zero is a whole-system challenge that requires sustained and coordinated action across all sectors of society