Peninsula Dental School

BDS Dental Surgery with Integrated Foundation Year

UCAS course code A205
Institution code P60

6 years

(with placements)
Course type


Study location Plymouth

An alternative entry route into dentistry for able students whose education has been impacted by adversity. Using an Enquiry Based Learning (EBL) approach, this course begins the journey towards the development of the academic, personal and professional skills needed for a career in dentistry. It aims to aid the transition to university through building a strong sense of belonging within the dental student community, as well as introducing you to our learning, teaching and assessment methods.

What is a foundation year?

A Foundation year provides an additional entry-level year for you to gain further knowledge of a subject before starting a full degree course.
On completing the Foundation year successfully, you progress automatically onto the full degree course, which is usually three years. You don’t need to apply for a place on the full degree course.

A course with a foundation year is for you if…

  • You would like to build your confidence to study at university level.
  • You want to gain the knowledge and skills needed to complete a full degree.
  • Your qualifications don't meet entry requirements for a three-year degree.
  • You want to study a new subject that your previous qualifications or experience haven’t prepared you for.
  • You may have thought university wasn’t an available option for you.
  • You want to join a university course that is needed for the career you’d like.

Key features

An alternative entry route into dentistry

Benefit from a foundation year to help you transition to university, build a strong sense of belonging within the dental student community and become familiar with our learning, teaching and assessment methods.

Preparing for practice

This programme is mapped against the General Dental Council’s guidance ‘Preparing for Practice’. Become competent at diagnosing disease and planning preventive care and choose your own areas of interest to study further.

Early clinical contact with a strong patient focus

Become familiar with a variety of clinical situations and gain the core dental knowledge and communication skills to practise as a competent and caring dentist. Years 1, 2 and 5 will be spent in Plymouth and Year 4 in Truro. You will travel 2 days a week in Year 3, via transport organised and paid for by the School, to the Dental Education Facility in Exeter.

Benefit from expert partnerships

Treat patients through partnership with the NHS Primary Care Trust in Devon and Cornwall. Engage directly with participants and service users in a unique and meaningful way with the Dental Outreach Team. Learn and gain experience in state of the art facilities provided by the Peninsula Dental Social Enterprise (PDSE).

First choice for health

Delivered by professional experts, our programmes are tailored to you and your career. Together, we address today's most challenging healthcare issues, through research-informed teaching and active, real-world learning. #firstchoiceforhealth

Course details

  • Foundation year

  • The Bachelor of Dental Surgery with integrated Foundation Year 0 (BDSF) programme is designed for applicants who wish to study Dentistry but who are not currently appropriately qualified for entry to year one of the BDS undergraduate programme. The BDSF programme equips you with the scientific knowledge and study skills needed to become a confident, critically self-aware, independent learner ready for the challenges of Higher Education and University life.
    You will be taught at the city centre campus where you will have the opportunity to meet your peers and academics, and where, from your very first day, you are part of the Faculty of Health. You will study alongside Dental Therapy & Hygiene, Diagnostic Radiography, Biomedical Sciences, and Medical students, preparing you for a collaborative, inter-disciplinary approach to learning and practice. Modules aim to develop an understanding of the science relating to a range of topic areas relevant to the study of Dentistry, and you can take advantage of academic support and guidance provided by a personal tutor. Meeting the requirements at the end of the Foundation Pathway enables you to progress onto stage one of the Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) programme, where you will learn and practice clinical and academic skills as part of the dental team.
    Years 1–5 will follow BDS Dental Surgery.

    Core modules

    Learning Skills for Dentistry 20 credits

    This module is designed to underpin learning in other modules, equipping students with the skills required to succeed at University level study. It will provide opportunity to acquire generalizable skills and help students to become effective independent learners.

    50% Coursework

    50% Practicals

    Infection, Immunity and Therapeutics 20 credits

    This module will provide an introduction to microbiology and the human immune system. Students will learn the fundamental biology relating to bacteria, helminths, viruses and fungi. And also develop an understanding of how our immune system has evolved to combat infection. The module will also explore methods to control microbial contamination and therapeutic strategies to prevent disease.

    50% Coursework

    50% Examinations

    Current Developments in Human Biology and Biomedical Sciences 20 credits

    This module examines the role of science in addressing key contemporary issues in Human Biology and Biomedical Sciences. The module aims to take an integrative approach, aiming to develop in students both a critical appreciation of the ways in which issues in Human Biology can be approached and resolved, and to develop an understanding of the skills and attributes needed for effective study of such issues at undergraduate level.

    100% Practicals

    Molecules to Cells 20 credits

    This module introduces key concepts involved in cell regulation including genetic inheritance, metabolism and protein expression. The important role of enzymes in the control of biochemical pathways will be introduced, as will an introduction to cell signalling. Cellular organisation within different tissues will also be outlined, enabling students to recognise links between structure and function. Students should develop sufficient theoretical and practical understanding to enable progression to relevant honours degree programmes.

    50% Coursework

    50% Examinations

    Introduction to Human Physiology 20 credits

    This module will provide a foundation of knowledge and understanding of human anatomy and physiology. Using example systems, it will emphasise relationships between structure and function and examine homeostatic regulation in these systems. Students should develop sufficient theoretical and practical understanding to enable progression to relevant honours degree programmes.

    50% Practicals

    50% Examinations

    Interdisciplinary Learning and Team Based Learning (Enquiry learning) 20 credits

    This module is designed to enable learners to develop key skills required for working in multidisciplinary teams. Students will be encouraged to work with their colleagues to manage tasks and tailor learning according to their own particular discipline

    100% Coursework

  • Year 1

  • Core modules

    Integrated Dental Science 1 (BDS) 40 credits

    This module introduces basic and clinical sciences and the principles of human disease prevention which underpin dental skills, the safe use of ionising radiation together with the properties and usage of biomaterials in dentistry.

    Clinical Dental Practice 1 (BDS) 40 credits

    This module provides BDS students with an introduction to clinical dentistry and the management of medical emergencies. It provides a gateway check point to ensure BDS students are ready to commence providing safe dental care for patients.

    Inter-Professional Engagement 1 (BDS) 20 credits

    The module introduces students to community health & social care. Students will undertake a community engagement visit and work closely with a target organisation to understand the impacts of demographic variation and lifestyle issues on local people. The project will enable students to develop an understanding of the wider determinants of health, introduce core academic skills and develop societal and community awareness.

    Professional Development and Lifelong Learning 1 (BDS) 20 credits

    This module introduces students to reflective adult learning and assists with the development of professional behaviour and attitudes appropriate to dentistry. Every term the student will meet their Academic Tutor and reflect and review on their performance in all aspects of professionalism within the BDS programmes by presentation of written critical reflections and discussion.

    Interprofessional Learning 1

The modules shown for this course are those currently being studied by our students, or are proposed new modules. Please note that programme structures and individual modules are subject to amendment from time to time as part of the University’s curriculum enrichment programme and in line with changes in the University’s policies and requirements.

Every undergraduate taught course has a detailed programme specification document describing the course aims, the course structure, the teaching and learning methods, the learning outcomes and the rules of assessment.

The following programme specification represents the latest course structure and may be subject to change:

BDS with Integrated Foundation Year Programme Specification 2024-25 7430

Entry requirements

We aim to build a picture of the circumstances that may have adversely affected an applicant’s education and academic potential. When assessing an application we will consider a range of educational, social, family, and individual characteristics and experiences. Applications for this course will therefore only be considered if the contextual entry requirements are met alongside the academic criteria.
Applicants for this course must not meet the A level and GCSE grade requirements for the five-year Dental Surgery (A206) course. However, if you meet either the GCSE or A level requirements for A206 but not the other, then you would be considered for the foundation course.
We are unable to accept international applicants for this programme going forward (2024 entry onwards).
Students must be 18 years old or over at the start date of this programme.

Fees, costs and funding

2024-2025 2025-2026 *
Home £9,250 £9,535
International £25,000 £25,000
Part time (Home) £770 £795
Full time fees shown are per annum. Part time fees shown are per 10 credits. Please note that fees are reviewed on an annual basis. Fees and the conditions that apply to them shown in the prospectus are correct at the time of going to print. Fees shown on the web are the most up to date but are still subject to change in exceptional circumstances. More information about fees and funding.

*UK Government announcement on tuition fees

Following an announcement in November, the government has confirmed its intention to increase undergraduate tuition fees for the 2025/26 academic year.

Subject to final Parliamentary approval (expected in early March 2025), the tuition fee for UK students is increasing to a maximum of £9,535 from 1 August 2025. This change applies to current and new students at the University of Plymouth. The Student Loans Company (SLC) has confirmed loans for tuition fees will be increased accordingly.

*Please note this is the international tuition fee rate for Year zero only. International tuition fee rates charged for Years 1-5 of the BDS with Integrated Foundation are significantly higher than the rate charged for year zero. Please visit the BDS Dental Surgery course page for an indication of these fee levels. International fee rates are not fixed at the point of entry and will be subject to annual inflationary rises.

Additional costs

This course is delivered by the Faculty of Health and more details of any additional costs associated with the faculty's courses are listed on the following page: Faculty of Health additional costs .

How to apply

All applications must be made through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). All applications for the BMBS and BDS courses must reach UCAS between 1 September and 15 October annually. Applicants should apply to no more than four of the same clinical degree courses. Applicants may wish to consider BSc (Hons) Dental Therapy and Hygiene, BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography, or one of our School of Biomedical Sciences courses as their fifth choice. The UCAS code for the Faculty of Health is P60 PLYM.
For more information contact the Admissions Team:
Admissions Team
Faculty of Health
The John Bull Building
Plymouth Science Park
Ranked #1 best UK university for dentistry
Our dentistry courses scored 100 out of 100, making them number 1 in the UK in the Guardian's league table of the best universities in 2024.
Early clinical experience
From the first year, you'll learn in a practical and patient-centred learning environment, gaining hands-on experience working with patients that enhances your communication skills and clinical competence.
Community engagement
Engage directly with participants and service users through the Dental Outreach Team, allowing you to make a meaningful impact on local communities while honing your skills.

This course is for you if...

  • you're passionate about providing patient-centred dental care
  • you seek early clinical exposure to develop practical skills
  • you're eager to engage with diverse communities to enhance oral health
  • you value learning in state-of-the-art facilities alongside experienced professionals
  • you aspire to become a competent and caring dentist ready to make a difference
Dental Outreach Team - group of dental students in a primary school classroom smiling
The Dental Outreach Team visiting a primary school 
Mohammed Chohan, Year 4 BDS student

Starting patient care in the first year really helped me build confidence and connect the theory to real cases. It’s been so rewarding to see my skills grow, from learning simple fillings to doing a root canal treatment on a patient.

Explore our facilities

From progressive clinical spaces to Simulated Dental Learning Environments, you will benefit from exceptional dental education facilities throughout your time studying the programme.
Take a virtual tour of our fantastic facilities, including our lecture theatres, cafe, learning resource centres and much more.
Derriford Dental Education Facility

Each year we have an inter-professional engagement module which allows us to use our skills to develop the local community. We visited the Nomony Children’s Centre and it made me realise that regardless of age there is always a way you can get someone to understand the importance of their oral health.

Yewande Oduwole made the most of her time as a dental student by taking on multiple entrepreneurial and humanitarian projects.
Yewande Oduwole

Meet your expert teaching staff


Budding Black Dentists

Founded by Elizabeth Fynn-Famodun and set-up with fellow dental students Vivienne Onamusi and El-Eden Biney, Budding Black Dentists is a non-profit organisation established to:
  • equip aspiring dental applicants with the necessary tools needed for each stage of their dental journey
  • help to educate the black community on the importance of oral health and what dentistry entails via outreach programmes
  • create a strong support network of aspiring and qualified black dentists for the facilitation of mentoring schemes.
Budding Black Dentists now consists of a team of 13 dental students from ethnic minority backgrounds based in various UK dental schools, who all share this vision and deeply aspire for change to be made in the near future.
Vivienne, Elizabeth and El-Eden, founders of the Budding Black Dentists platform

Award-winning contribution to dental training and community care

We received recognition at Times Higher Education Awards 2023 for our continued work to provide dental care and training.
The pioneering work of the Peninsula Dental School and the Peninsula Dental Social Enterprise won the Outstanding Contribution to the Local Community category at the awards ceremony. It is recognition of the efforts of more than 100 staff and 400 students working and studying with the University, and in communities across Devon and Cornwall.
Dental dentistry students practising 

Prepare for the real world by joining a dedicated community of researchers

Our Peninsula Dental School Research Groups explore and develop science, pedagogy, policy, performance and practice across a number of themes – from workforce development to regenerative medicine.
Portland Square – Dental students in Phantom Head room in Portland Square