Developing new ways of delivering dental care in the South West
Liz Eilertsen used her skills and further study to set up a new and thriving practice in a part of the UK deprived of dental care

Dentistry is so much more than just teeth – Peninsula gave me a strong dental foundation and now I run my own practice.
 BDS Dental Surgery
?Graduated 2019
 MSc Oral Surgery
?Postgraduate Certificate in Dental Education
 Clinical supervisor with Peninsula Dental School
The clinics taught us to see patients holistically – it's never just a case of treating a tooth then going home; there's so much else that you're taught and encouraged to explore, and it really kickstarted my career path.
The biggest leap was when I opened my own practice (Eilertsen Dental Care), welcoming the first patients in August 2022. The Plymouth-based practice now has three operational surgeries, with two more planned. Dental therapists are fully supported alongside dentists, allowing all of the team to undertake their full scope.
Going forward, I’d really like to include a surgery dedicated to dental nurses who have enhanced training, allowing them to carry out various enhanced tasks including impressions, radiology, photography, oral health education and fluoride application.
We are trying hard within the practice to develop a new way of delivering dental care, which is a professional extension of the Peninsula dental teaching. Not just treating teeth, but fully integrating in the community and trying to reduce the barriers found in accessing dental care.