Impactful research
- Place, Community and Creativity
- Heritage, Culture and Digital Innovations
- Health, Communities and Well-Being
- Environment and Sustainability
- UK in A Changing World
Associate Head of School: Research, Knowledge Exchange, Enterprise
Vibrant and sustainable research culture offering expertise in law, social policy and criminology, with links to sociology, history and psychology. In REF 2021, almost 80% of outputs and impact rated 3* or 4*.
Interdisciplinary research unit which tackles some of the most pressing societal challenges. In REF 2021, 86% of outputs and 100% of environment and impact activity were rated 3* or 4*.The unit was ranked in the top quartile in the UK.
Plymouth Institute of Education research has a life-long, life-wide approach, foregrounding the vital role learning plays in society and culture. In REF 2021, 67% of our overall research profile and 83% of our impact case studies were regarded as 3 or 4*.
Dedicated to the study of literature and the practice of creative writing, this unit's REF 2021 performance highlights include, 91% of‘ outputs and 100% of impact and environment activity rated 3 or 4*, placing it in the top quartile of units in the UK.
Internationally recognised research excellence in the fields of social and cultural history. In REF 2021, 76% of outputs, 100% of impact, and 90% of environment activity were rated 3* or 4*. Ranked in the second quartile of all units in the UK.
 Art history
 Creative writing
"International relations
University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, PL4 8AA