Research in sociology, anthropology, international relations and politics
internationally leading interdisciplinary research tackling some of the most pressing societal challenges
Research highlights

Professor of Sociology Alison Anderson's research expertise is in the area of science communication including mass media and culture, risk, nanotechnologies, marine pollution and environmental sustainability.

For the last seven years, Julie has been lucky enough to work on a series of funded research projects at Landworks - a resettlement and rehabilitation project that works with prisoners and people at risk of going to prison

Dr Eric Taylor Woods’ research examines the intersections of culture, media, and politics with a focus on how these phenomena relate to ethnicity and nationalism. His most recent book aims to understand the resurgence of ethnic nationalism in the West.

Dr Patrick Holden is a renowned expert in the field of International Relations. He talks about what drew him to the subject and how it helps to reveal the world in a new light

Finding solutions to the challenges facing coastal communities

Research seminars focusing on topical aspects of contemporary global politics

Research group focused on supporting and improving the understanding and application of contemporary approaches to the research of the social world
Our researchers
Professor Alison Anderson
Professor in Sociology
Dr David Brockington
Lecturer in Politics (Education)
Dr Brian Campbell
Lecturer in Anthropology
Dr Lorenzo Cladi
Lecturer in International Relations
Professor Karl Cordell
Emeritus Professor
Dr Jonathan Clark
Lecturer in Sociology (Social and Political Thought)
Dr Lyvinia Elleschild
Lecturer in Sociology (Education)
Mr James Goulbourn
Associate Head of School (Art History, IR and Politics)
Professor Gayle Letherby
Visiting Professor
Dr Patrick Holden
Associate Professor (Reader)
Dr Shabnam Holliday
Associate Professor in International Relations
Dr Julie Parsons
Associate Head of School for Criminology, Sociology, Anthropology
Dr Piers Revell
Honorary Researcher
Professor John Scott CBE FBA
Emeritus Professor
Dr Mike Sheaff
Associate Lecturer
Dr Ivan Tacey
Lecturer in Sociology, Criminology and Anthropology
Dr Hannah Theaker
Lecturer in History and Politics
Mrs Theresa Waight
Lecturer in Social Science & Law
Postgraduate research opportunities
Related articles
New book reveals rise of ethnic nationalism in Western democratic politics
Trump has put down his racist dog whistle and picked up a bull horn (The Conversation)
Taxing times: the G7 and international economic cooperation
Coastal communities and social policy
Sociologist calls for national improvements on criminal rehabilitation
Out of this world
International surveillance system for coping with zoonotic pandemics needs greater attention
International Relations in an era of dynamic global change