International Relations students - UN internship
The IR and Politics Internship programme is aimed at supporting undergraduate Politics and IR major and single honours students to carry out unpaid internships or work experience in the UK.
Application deadlines:
  • 17 March 2025
  • 2 June 2025

How will I benefit from the programme?

It will give you the opportunity to:

  • receive funds to carry out an internship
  • develop and improve your employability skills
  • develop your professional network
  • gain an insight into your chosen career area

A diverse group of people studying on campus using books, paper and and tablets

What can internship funding be used to support?

Monies secured through funding can be used to support the following:
  • living expenses – we will contribute towards students’ rent while on an internship.
  • travel – the amount of funding received will vary upon where students travel within the UK.
Students who receive funding must agree to use the money for the purpose requested (as clarified within the above categories).
All students applying for funding must sign the agreement form in the application form (downloadable above) and provide a report after the internship.
IMPORTANT: students are responsible for securing their own insurance and must comply with FCO guidelines. Please contact us if further advice is required.

How much funding is available?

The maximum each person is entitled to apply for is detailed below. This amount is for the entire internship period.

Total amount available: £300

Priority will be given to Stage 3 students. If sufficient funds are available, then applications from Stages 1 and 2 students will be considered.

What information do I need to provide?

Students will need to fill in the Internship Funding application form to provide the following details:
  • reasons for undertaking the internship
  • full details of company/organisation where the internship will take place
  • evidence that you have been accepted on the internship
  • details of academic staff to support your application
  • details of funding required, including receipts if applicable
Students are also required to produce a 500-word report, photo (if appropriate) and/or a five-minute video clip within one month from the end of the internship.

Internship case studies

Discover the amazing stories and benefits of undertaking an internship as part of your International Relations with Politics studies.
  • Emmy Noklebye's experience teaching at the Ndulu English Project in Nias
  • Daina Ramanauskaite's time supporting the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to the State of Israel
  • Aaliyah Lightburn's account of working with the Embassy of Belize
  • Darcey Wall, Shekinah Mission Plymouth
Teaching at Ndulu English Project in Nias – Emmy Noklebye, International Relations, 2nd year

Studying International Relations and Politics

Understand the roles of democracy, freedom and security in the 21st century. Examine, compare and contrast political systems to better understand how to change them.
Develop political connections and practical skills and be ready to help shape the future.
Law student