Key features
- Opportunity to join an active research network in the Institute of Education.
- Designed to be flexible with both full time and part time modes of study available.
- Comprehensive support from a team of dedicated supervisors.
- Access to a wide range of courses focussed on the development of research skills and knowledge through the Doctoral College.
- Specialisms in Children and Families, Inclusive Education, Learning outside Formal Education and Education Policy.
- Research across all ages and in formal and informal contexts.
- International students very welcome.
Learning outcomes
Entry requirements
Fees, costs and funding
Please visit our
How to apply
- What is the topic of your research,
- What research question(s) will you aim to address,
- What are your reasons for undertaking this research,
- A review of relevant research literature in the field,
- What data will you need to collect to carry out your research (do you already have access to your data source),
- What are your proposed research method(s) and/or plans to conduct your research?
Welcome from the PhD Programme Leader –

Potential research topics
- Children and Families – led by
Professor Verity Campbell Barr - Learning Outside Formal Education – led by Dr Rowena Passy and
Dr Alun Morgan - Inclusive Education – led by
Dr Jan Georgeson andDr Becky Stancer (previously McKenzie) - Education Policy – led by
Dr Peter Kelly
- Issues in leadership, management and policy in education;
- A range of different learners: from children through to adults;
- Learning in different contexts, places and spaces: from schools and universities through to online and outdoor education;
- Enhancing the way that we teach and learn about core curricula subjects such as science, mathematics and technology;
- The impact and influence of education: issues of transition, innovation and social justice;
- The effectiveness of strategies and interventions in the field of education
PhD Education

"The long journey of PhD made me feel like it was too short because of having an excellent research environment in Plymouth. Comparing cross-cultural outdoor activities in early years is my research interest, and the research was supported with an excellent supervisory team. I had plenty of chance to meet with people in my field as having opportunities and support to attend various events. After this journey, I got a place at a Turkish University as well as feeling proud of using the name of University of Plymouth as an alumni research fellow."
Mehmet Mart
PhD Education

"My research explored the topic of racism in mainly white schools, using critical race theory, critical pedagogy and critical arts theory. It examined white teachers and pupils conceptualisations of racism and anti-racist education and explored the role of the arts for supporting anti-racist school practice in the south west of England.
"The PhD journey was both a rewarding and challenging process that involved juggling doctoral research with family responsibilities and teaching. The opportunities, provided by the department, to nurture and support PhD students to engage in teaching opportunities were a valuable part of the process, leading to a part-time Associate Lecturer role during and after completing my doctorate."
Heather Knight
PhD Education
Doctoral supervisors
Dr Vicky Bamsey
Associate Professor in Education
Professor Verity Campbell Barr
Director of Plymouth Institute of Education
Dr Elizabeth Done
Associate Professor of Education Inclusion
Dr Cath Gristy
Lecturer in Education
Dr Joanna Haynes
Associate Professor in Education Studies
Dr Ulrike Hohmann
Associate Professor in Early Childhood Studies
Dr Peter Kelly
Associate Professor in Comparative Education
Dr Marie Lavelle
Lecturer in Early Childhood Studies
Dr Emma Macleod-Johnstone
Lecturer in Education
Dr Alun Morgan
Lecturer in Education
Dr Nick Pratt
Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) in Education (IMP)
Dr Becky Stancer
Associate Professor, Early Childhood
Dr Simon Webster
Lecturer in Further Education
Dr Jan Georgeson
Visiting Research Fellow
Professor Jocey Quinn
Professor of Education
Funding for postgraduate research students