Remote Assessment and Management of People with Movement Impairment and Disability
Led by Professor Jenny Freeman and funded by NIHR and UKRI

The Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent reduction in face-to-face appointments has meant people of all ages have received no rehabilitation with the need growing with recovering Covid-19 patients. The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy has described this as ‘a tidal wave of rehabilitation need’.
“Assessment is absolutely key to being able to deliver a targeted intervention – if you don’t have a clear idea about people’s baseline abilities or how they are changing then it’s difficult to effectively plan and progress someone’s treatment. This research captures people recovering from the coronavirus, but also the much greater number of people with other, pre-existing conditions, who have not been receiving treatment for an extended period of time. Rehabilitation is crucial for improving people’s quality of life and if there is one positive to come out of this situation, it is that people are now recognising this fact.” Professor Jenny Freeman
Many of the signs and symptoms experienced by Covid-19 patients are similar to those experienced by people with long-term conditions. This can include post-intensive care syndrome that includes impaired exercise tolerance, neuropathies, muscle weakness and severe fatigue. For those with more mild symptoms, prolonged mobility can also lead to deconditioning and weakness. In the more commonly affected elderly group, this can contribute to frailty and predispose to falls.
The knowledge around distance-based methods for rehabilitation of these patients is limited. Physical symptoms – reduced ventilatory capacity, fatigue and weakness (common post-COVID-19) may not be reliably assessed and there is an overarching safety issue of physical assessments without a clinician physically present. This project will take the lessons learnt from working with Covid-19 patients across other conditions, extending its impact post-Covid.
Professor Freeman and her team will provide clinicians with clear practical evidence-based guidance training via an Assessment Toolkit and Training Package to enhance confidence and competence in delivering telerehabilitation for people with movement impairments/physical disability, including those recovering from Covid-19.
Starting in July 2020, it is anticipated that this package will be rolled out within six months.
The project will improve clinician's confidence and competence in using telerehabilitation, facilitate the efficient management of the back-log of people with disabilities who have not been able to undertake rehabilitation during the pandemic and provide best practice for telerehabilitation that will inform future practice.
AProfessor Diane Playford, University of Warwick – Co-Investigator
ABarbara Scott – Co-Investigator
'University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
'Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
'Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust
'Livewell SouthWest Community Hospitals
'Cornwall Council
'Plymouth Community Homes
'Torbay & South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
'Wesley Court
For future collaborations, please contact Professor Jenny Freeman
For information on future collaborations with the Centre for Health Technology, please email the Centre for Health Technology Co-Directors:
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