Extended Reality
This is made up of immersive technologies such as virtual reality and augmented reality.
Virtual reality uses a headset to present users with a visible computer-generated 3D space that they physically explore by turning their head and looking around. The headset will track the user’s movement, and alter the viewpoint it displays to match the user’s movements.
Augmented reality is an interactive technology that overlays computer-generated images or information over a real-world space. This involves using a camera that provides a video feed that can then have objects displayed over the top of it in the camera’s viewfinder.
Extended reality will be used on the ICONIC project to provide remote access to local heritage and environmental sites in Cornwall and Devon. During the workshops, we will be learning what sorts of content and Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality techniques and platforms are accessible and user friendly.
Social Games
This will involve the development of tools that allow users to create their own games that can be played individually or with others on mobile phones or tablets. We will allow users to share the games that they make using the tool with friends and family.
Social Games in the ICONIC project will use resources provided by our environment and heritage partners to provide content for these games, allowing users to create themes. We are interested in learning what sorts of content users would want to use to create these games, and how we can create an accessible and user-friendly platform that allows users to share their creations.
Voice AI Interface
This technology allows people who can’t or don’t want to use internet to use their voice to get information online about local events, communities and services. Instead of using the internet, the user will call the system through a telephone line. Once connected, the user can ask for information using their voice, and the system will understand them and give them the information they need through audio.
If the system can't answer the question, it will provide the user with relevant contact information. The ICONIC project is interested in figuring out how to make this technology work for as many people as possible, and what kind of information people want to access using voice commands.
Underwater Telepresence
The goal of this project is to make the exploration of the underwater environment more accessible. The project involves installing static or moving cameras in the tanks at the National Marine Aquarium or in the sea around Plymouth Sound.
The footage will be broadcast to users, so they can explore and learn about the marine life in the area. The videos may also be adapted for use with Virtual Reality headsets, which will make it feel more like you are actually underwater. The system may also include technology that can automatically identify local species of wildlife.
This information can be used for interactive games or as a learning experience. ICONIC wants to learn about what kind of experience you are interested in and how to present it to you in a way that is both engaging and informative.