
Company background

Enigma Audio is the trading name of Andy Fox, a sole trader based in South Brent. Enigma Audio design and manufacture audio equipment for theatres and venues and looks to develop new products in terms of speaker drivers, particularly compression drivers (responsible for the high frequencies).
Developing compression drivers open wide opportunities for Enigma Audio, particularly entering new markets, retro-fitting to existing products and exploring new markets.
Enigma audio

What did they want?

The company provided a diaphragm that has been applied in one of their early prototypes of film filter, used in high-end speakers for theatre and concert venues. It provides superior performance and so Enigma Audio were keen to understand the materials that comprised the component in terms of coating, as it was clear that these were having a significant impact on audio performance. With the capabilities of FIB-SEM, the possibility of multilayers and the thickness and composition of the coating can be revealed, enabling the company to understand why the material used outperforms other similar materials.

Agreed analysis plan

  • Cross-section preparation by ion beam milling from both sides of the metal film sample.
  • Imaging and elemental analysis on the created cross-section to obtain knowledge of the main film and coating layers’ microstructure and composition.


Clear imagery was achieved from the layers of coating present on the component, enabling Enigma Audio to identify their chemical composition, including key measurements such as thickness.
The obtained data has given the company more than enough information to begin developing their own diaphragm.

Company feedback

“This diagnostic work is delaying the development of new products and also a barrier to understanding why this particular element performs well. Gaining support with this investigation will allow us to potentially develop the company and grow quicker. With the capability of FIB-SEM and the data generated, that's the most enlightening view we've seen.”
Andy Fox (Owner of Enigma Audio)