Technical specification
This FIB-SEM consists of Gemini II SEM Column and Capella FIB Column, with features as below:
0.7 nm at 30 kV (STEM mode)
1.6 nm at 1 kV (SEM mode)
3 nm at 30kV (FIB)
12x - 2,000,000x (SEM)
300x - 500,000x (FIB)
Acceleration Voltage
0.02 - 30 kV (SEM)
0.5 – 30 kV (FIB)
Probe Current
10 pA to 283 nA (SEM)
1 pA to 100 nA (FIB)
Built-in detectors
- SE2 (secondary electron)
- InLens (secondary electron detector within column)
- EsB (energy-selective backscattered electron within column)
- BSD (backscattered electron, retractable)
- STEM (scanning transmission electron microscopy, retractable)
Analytical detectors
- OI Symmetry EBSD (electron backscatter diffraction) CMOS detector
- OI Ultim Max EDS (energy dispersive spectroscopy) detector
- CL (cathodoluminescence) detector
Gas injection system
- Platinum
- Tungsten
- Carbon
- Xenon fluoride (enhanced silicon milling)
- Nitrogen (local charge compensation)
Kleindiek MM3A-EM Micromanipulator
- in-situ TEM lamella lift-out
- nano-manipulation
Flood gun
- Charging compensation for ion beam milling and imaging
A column of a gallium ion source is added to a conventional SEM, which elaborates the so-called FIB-SEM. Together with GIS, the FIB-SEM evolves to the next stage where large volume 3D reconstruction of the sample with nano-scale resolution is available at hand.
This latest Focused Ion Beam - Scanning Electron Microscope from Zeiss was acquired partly through ERDF funding, and was delivered to PEMC in February 2018. The whole installation and calibration process took two engineers for five days. Beside is a video clip showing how it was done.
Available techniques
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Focused Ion Beam
Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy
Electron Backscatter Diffraction
Serial Sectioning Tomography
Low Voltage - Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
Large Area Mapping
Electron Beam Lithography
Gas Injection System
Thin section lift-out