Guide to the facilities
Plymouth Electron Microscopy Centre (PEMC) Electron Microscopes:
- JEOL 7001 FE SEM
- OI Nordlys EBSD (materials)
- OI X-Max 50mm2
- Deben STEM Detector; generation 5
- Tensile test stage; Gatan Micro-test 2000.
- JEOL 6610 LV SEM
- OI X-Max 80mm2
- OI Nordlys EBSD (earth sciences)
- Cryo System; Quorum Technologies PP3000 (temp. range down to -190C).
- JEOL 5600 LV SEM
- JEOL 1400 TEM
- 120 kV TEM with Gatan Orius.
PEMC Support Equipment:
- Leica EM UC 7 Ultramicrotome
- Reichert-Jung Ultracut E
- Reichert-Jung Ultracut
- Quorum Q150T Coating System
- Buehler Vibromet 2.
Other preparation and support facilities include a range of optical microscopes, macro-imaging, critical point drying and coating systems. Samples can be coated in gold, carbon, palladium or chrome in-house.
Specimens can be cut/polished also in-house for geological or materials analyses in either the rock preparation lab (Brunel Laboratories) or mechanical engineering preparation lab (Smeaton Building) by technical staff.
A Buehler Virbomet 2 automatic vibratory polisher is also available for polishing to an EBSD-standard and equipped with specimen holders for standard grain mounts and thin section work.
This Field Emission SEM is an ultra-high resolution instrument fitted with a comprehensive suite of analytical tools, using a Schottky Electron Gun. Technical specification of the microscope itself is below:
Resolution: 1.2 nm (30 kV)
Magnification: 10 – 500,000x
Accelerating Voltage: 0.5 – 30 kV
This variable pressure SEM is a tungsten-filament microscope fitted with a comprehensive suite of analytical tools including a cryo-stage. Technical specification of the microscope itself is below:
Resolution: 3 nm (30 kV)
Magnification: 5 – 300,000x
Accelerating Voltage: 0.3 – 30 kV.
Technical specification of the microscope itself is below:
Resolution: 0.38 nm
Magnification: 10 – 1,200,000x
Accelerating Voltage: 40 – 120 kV.