Clinical skill simulation
- Learn skills at their own pace without the pressure of getting it right first time
- Receive support from peers and lecturers
- Practice in a safe environment
- Develop professionalism ready to go out on placement.
Comprising fully-equipped suites featuring plinths, couches, a range of anatomical models, and an array of equipment used in all aspects of the working life of a podiatrist and physiotherapist
Providing students with a safe environment to prepare for practice. You'll be supported during simulated practice with fellow students, with life-like manikins, iSims and with the equipment to become ready for real-world settings
Providing expanded clinical skills and optics labs that will enable optometry students to hone their clinical skills and deepen their understanding of the optics of the eye and the link between vision and the brain
Comprising of a community home kitchen, bedroom, living room and bathroom, the suite will give realism to simulations and replicate home situations that a variety of practicing healthcare professionals will encounter
Our eye care clinic provides a state-of-the-art teaching facility for undergraduate and postgraduate optometrists and is equipped with the latest instrumentation as well as optically trained and fully qualified staff.
Providing a range of training opportunities, including one-on-one training with academic experts. Enabling us to recreate the experience of treating and reflecting upon patient experience
Offering a virtual dissection and visualisation system for anatomy education. The anatomage table allows students to virtually ‘peel back’ layers of tissue to reveal underlying structures, allowing a closer examination of the human body
Explore the facilities, designed and equipped for the study of dietetics. These include a kitchen laboratory, offering a hands-on learning environment where you can gain practical experience in cooking and preparing food and an exercise laboratory