Our visual optics and eye and vison suites provide expanded clinical skills and optics labs that enable optometry students to hone their clinical skills and deepen their understanding of the optics of the eye and the link between vision and the brain.
Our facilities comprise state of the art equipment to ensure optometry students are experienced in using current and future ophthalmic technology. Being located in InterCity Place will strengthen students links to our patient led
Centre for Eyecare Excellence (CEE)
, helping them gain a thorough understanding of patient care.
Measuring the visual acuity using a trial frame and trial lenses
Investigating the health of the eye with a slit lamp (stereoscopic biomicroscope)
The slit lamp consists of an illumination unit that emits a focused light beam with variable width, height and angle, and a binocular microscope unit with different magnification levels
This instrument allows the three-dimensional visualisation and measurement of the fine anatomy of the eye