Donation in memory of lecturer funds ‘life-changing’ research
The family of Christine King has funded a PhD student researching into her subject passion
When you lose someone, you remember them in so many ways, but I knew we wanted some of mum’s legacy to benefit other people. She was so passionate about her teaching and, having been at the University for 20 years until her retirement, it seemed a great idea to approach them.
I completed my undergraduate and masters degrees in biology so, when the timing was right to look for a PhD, I knew that I wanted to study in this area too. I’m originally from Hungary so having the support for my academic work while I relocate myself and my family has been invaluable.
We are so grateful for the donations we receive and the gift left in Christine’s memory is truly incredible.
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Exceptional clinical and academic learning, social engagement and research in medicine, dentistry, nursing, psychology and health professions.