Our marketing students have tremendous opportunities to gain the knowledge and skills necessary for employment in a variety of work settings. Our hands-on approach to teaching and learning, and the use of live clients throughout the course will provide you with the topical skills and experience that you can apply to the wide range of career options as graduates. Our graduates have been employed by companies such as 3M, Apple, the BBC, Harley-Davidson, McLaren, Unilever, Barclaycard, Ben Sherman, British Airways, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Sara Lee, Radox, the National Trust, Wrigley and Microsoft.
Real experience every step of the way
As well as expert-led teaching, all undergraduate modules within Plymouth Business School have integrated CV building activity, for example, through micro-credentialing, problem-based learning, or embedded direct employer activity.
We have ensured every module contains a real world problem-based exercise. We have reached out to employers directly to involve real business in our assessments. You will experience real world employee engagement every month.
We know this is key to student academic and graduate success.
Careers service
The University of Plymouth has a dedicated careers service supporting you from the moment you start your degree, to three years after graduation.
Careers advice is embedded into your academic programme through workshops, events, placements, networks - working with the academic staff teaching on your course. We also offer materials, networks and resources online through our 24/7 portal, and a wide-range of activities, opportunities and support centrally in the Careers Service space within the Student Hub.
We are here to help you to explore, connect and succeed.