Developing a research skilled workforce

Inspiring and supporting a research skilled workforce in the South West

The DRSW programme supports work to embed research as the keystone to underpin excellent care and innovation. We want to create sustainable research skills, capacity, and capabilities for all health and care professionals. This includes building relationships, collaboration with integrated care boards and provider organisations, identifying good models and rolling out supportive, sustainable structures.

Who is the project for?

The target workforce includes registered health, social care, and scientific professions.
DRSW logo


NIHR Pre-Application Support Fund

Applications are now open for the second round of the Pre-Application Support Fund awards.
The deadline for applications is Wednesday 5 February, 17:00.

Development and Skills Enhancement Award (DSE)

This award is an opportunity to develop skills or undertake training to support your next step as a postdoctoral applied health or care researcher.
You can access up to two years of funding to cover your salary and training, including mentorship and conference attendance costs.

NIHR INSIGHT MSc clinical research

NIHR INSIGHT South West Peninsula funded studentships start at the University of Plymouth and the University of Exeter in September 2025.
The first round of applications is now open (closing date 31 January 2025) and will be followed by a second round of applications from April 2025.
The University of Plymouth and the University of Exeter are delighted to offer 30 places for NIHR INSIGHT South West Peninsula research masters studentships starting in September 2025.
  • Studentships will cover full fees and a stipend to study a research Masters qualification through a full-time or part-time route for registered healthcare, social work and public health professionals. This is a new initiative that aims to attract those eligible at the earliest stages of their careers into research.
  • Places on three Masters programmes are available, enabling study focused on research leadership in clinician/practitioner careers or research delivery via a range of preferred study routes.
  • Applications for studentships starting in September 2025 are being accepted in two rounds:
    • Round 1: Open 25 November 2024. Closes 31 January 2025 (up to 15 places available).
    • Round 2: Open 1 April 2025. Closes 31 May 2025.
  • There will be a webinar session for each round with information for applicants and their employers. This will take place on Monday 28 April 2025. Please join us at either of these events.
  • We will also be holding the first of our conferences on 1 April 2025 and we would be delighted to see future potential INSIGHT applicants at this event.
  • 10% of studentships are protected to help support under-served people and professions, based on the contextualising information applicants share. This scheme targets those with zero-to-three years of post-professional registration experience. You do not have to have a current contract of employment to apply. We aim to notify all applicants of the outcome within one month of each closing date.

NIHR INSIGHT MSc clinical research

The NIHR INSIGHT South West Central Collaboration led by UWE Bristol and co-hosted with Bournemouth University alongside stakeholders from health and social care, Integrated Care Boards, voluntary and charity sectors.

Identifying nurses with public health research remit

The NIHR team is planning to hold discussions around building capacity for nurses in research within public health and would be interested to hear from any nurses doing research in this area. If you are interested, please contact Jade Mcphilimey-Ward at

Event: Developing and celebrating a research skilled workforce 2025

Wednesday 2 April 2025, 08:30–16:45 | In-person | Plymouth
The research-curious, research-active, and research leaders are invited to attend our regional conference.
Join us for this inclusive and welcoming NHS England funded in-person event.
"Surfing The Wave: Transforming Services Through Research-skilled Practitioners"
Bringing together health, social and science professionals.

Multi-professional Practice-based Research Capabilities Framework

The framework has been developed to clearly outline how practitioners can get involved in health and care research. In doing so, it supports changes in health and care service delivery to better meet the needs and expectations of the people and communities we serve.
Female doctors talking to a smiling female child.
Developing a research skilled workforce logo
Dental students in Phantom Head room in Portland Square.

How can I get involved?

  • Share with us any examples of good practice in how you are engaging in research activity where you work.
  • Contact us if you would like to keep in touch about future events and opportunities:

With thanks to our partners