Research Skilled Workforce logo on a white background with no text
This programme aims to support work that embeds research as the keystone that underpins excellent care and supports innovation. We want to create sustainable research skills, capacity, and capabilities for all health and care professionals. This includes: building relationships, collaboration with Integrated Care Boards and provider organisations, identifying good practice, and rolling out supportive, sustainable structures.


New event: Developing and celebrating a research skilled workforce 2024

Tuesday 25 June 2024 | Online | Register your place
Are you research curious? Research active? A research leader?
Join us on Tuesday 25 June 09:00-13:00 for this inclusive and welcoming NHS England funded online event. 
Surfing The Wave: Making Research Happen builds on the region’s 'Developing a research Skilled Workforce' momentum, bringing together health, social and science professionals with an interest and passion for evidence-based practice and research across the South West of England. 

Research masters studentships: NIHR INSIGHT programme

South West Peninsula offer

The University of Plymouth and University of Exeter are delighted to offer 30 NIHR INSIGHT South West Peninsula masters studentships, annually for 3 years, from September 2024.
Do you work in healthcare, social care or public health? Are you interested in upskilling to become research active and ready for future leadership roles?
NIHR INSIGHT South West Peninsula studentships will cover 100% course fees and provide a tax free £18,622 FTE personal stipend for registered healthcare, social work and public health professions to study a research master's qualification via full-time or part-time routes.

South West Central offer

Are you an early career healthcare, social work and public health professional with an interest in research and postgraduate research training?
NIHR INSIGHT: Inspiring Students into Research is a newly funded programme that will provide 30 Research Masters studentships each year for 3 years and a programme of research engagement activities.
South West Central Collaboration
  • Covers Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire, Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire, Dorset and Gloucestershire ICS areas
  • Research Master's courses available at UWE Bristol and Bournemouth University
  • Study part-time or full-time
  • Provides tuition fees and stipend at UKRI rates
Email Mary Cramp ( or Carol Clark ( for more information.
Female doctors talking to a smiling female child.
Developing a research skilled workforce logo
Dental students in Phantom Head room in Portland Square.

Who is the project for?

The workforce that is being referred to includes registered health, social care, and scientific professions.
This includes:
Allied health professionals (AHPs)*  
Dental carers (dental care nurses, dental technicians, dental hygienists)
Public health professionals  
Healthcare scientists 
Medical associate professionals (MAPs)  
Nurse associates  
Registered psychological professionals and psychology practitioners 
Social workers
Clinical researcher practitioners.
*The allied health professions include:
Art therapists 
Drama therapists 
Music therapists 
Occupational therapists 
Operating department practitioners 
Prosthetists and orthotists 
Speech and language therapists.

How can I get involved?

  • Share with us any examples of good practice in how you are engaging in research activity where you work.
  • Contact us if you would like to keep in touch about future events and opportunities:

Project team


With thanks to our partners