Red campion flower
A champion is a person who enthusiastically supports, defends, or fights for a person, belief, right, or principle.
This page highlights the role of research champions and showcases the work of specific people across the region who are supporting either their profession, organisation, service, or team.
Some well-known barriers to engaging in research-related activity in health and social care organisations are:
  • feeling isolated
  • not knowing what support is available in an organisation
  • feeling like you have to do everything yourself.
Research champions are people who act as a point of contact; they can signpost to more information, advice, or help; and some can help strengthen one's resolve, motivation and self-belief that research-related activity is something we can all be doing.
The DRSW aims to establish a cohort of people across the South West who fulfil such roles.
If you are interested in being a research champion, or think you already are, then please get in touch at

Meet with other research champions

We have established a network for research champions in the South West to join voluntarily.
The aim of the network is to provide a space to
  • meet and discuss questions about what a research champion is, and what they might do
  • share successes
  • ask questions about how to start as a champion, who to get help from, what to do and what is possible, and
  • listen to what others are doing.
Members of the network meet every six weeks or so online.

Meeting dates

Thursday 6 March 2025, 12:00–12:45
Wednesday 16 April 2025, 09:00–09:45
Tuesday 3 June 2025, 12:00–12:45
Thursday 24 July 2025, 14:00–14:45
Wednesday 10 September 2025, 09:00–09:45
Wednesday 22 October 2025, 12:00–12:45
Wednesday 3 December 2025, 09:00–09:45

Join the meetings

To join these meetings, contact the Research Skilled Workforce email: You will be added to the MS Teams calendar invitations.

Role purpose

Research champions work across their network acting as role models and activists to champion the active involvement of the workforce in research-related activities.

Job role

Optimally situated in health or social care services, the role is to reinforce the value and benefit of research to commissioners and providers. In particular:
  • To be a connector, connecting locally and nationally to link existing and new communities of practice
  • To support the local workforce to understand the alignment of national research and innovation strategies with regional and more local opportunities
  • To promote research activity and research careers by sharing information through their networks
  • To assist in identifying enablers to NHS and social care research capacity and capability

Skills and attributes of research champions

  • To act as a role model, mentoring and leading by example
  • Inspiring and encouraging of others
  • Reflective, with a desire to support the career development of others
  • To be able to develop good working relationships and communicate well virtually as well as in person

Likely benefit of being a research champion

  • To be part of a regional initiative to raise the profile of aspiring individuals and support their development and visibility
  • To be part of a research network of research champions
  • Opportunities to work in partnership with other organisations and understand the bigger picture
  • Improved insight into the research skills required to shape NIHR-funded or NIHR-supported research
  • Enhance the post holders' personal network in support of their research career ambition
  • Support evidence-based practice
  • To obtain useful skills that can be applied to future career opportunities, role development of research funding application
  • Provide increased visibility and reputation for the champions' employer (supporting service/organisation)