School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics

BSc (Hons) Computer Science

UCAS tariff 104 - 120 Contextual offers
A contextual offer is an offer to study at university that takes personal circumstances that may affect grades into account.
UCAS course code G407
Institution code P60

3 years

(+ optional placement)
Course type


Study location Plymouth

Technology continues to revolutionise the way we live, build, work, shop, learn and even access medical care. At Plymouth, you will gain hands-on skills across a range of topics including coding, algorithms, database and software development, cyber security, networks and social, legal and ethical aspects of IT. Through studying with our experts and applying your knowledge, you too will advance new technologies such as artificial intelligence, automation, virtual reality and smart devices.

Project work from the start

From your first week, you'll be in the labs engaging in your own and group projects, building a comprehensive portfolio that showcases your technical skills and innovative mindset to potential employers.

Agile methodology

You'll use industry-standard agile development processes throughout your studies, collaborating with peers to design and deliver complete systems from concept to deployment, becoming expert in professional practices.

Connect with industry

Benefit from the University's strong links with leading companies such as Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, Cisco, Intel, Apple, Nvidia, BBC, and the Met Office. We'll support you from your first year to secure high-quality placements and job opportunities, enhancing your career potential.

This course is for you if...

  • you're passionate about technology and its impact on society
  • you enjoy problem-solving and logical thinking
  • you're eager to learn programming and software development
  • you want to understand emerging technologies like AI and cybersecurity
  • you're aiming for a dynamic career in the tech industry.
Oluwajomiloju Samuel Fakolujo - Computer Science

Careers with this subject

It used to be considered its own industry. As we enter a fourth industrial revolution, computing is going to be impacting every part of society and feeding into every industry.

Nathan Clarke, Professor of Cyber Security & Digital Forensics

Keeping pace with emerging and evolving technologies is one of our biggest challenges. Artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, blockchain, robots and drones, the list goes on. New and optimised technologies and systems will continue to shape a modern and progressive society.
Preparing the next generation of computer scientists means offering opportunities to collaborate with industry connections through work placements and taking real-world business projects. By engaging in hands-on learning, specialised equipment, and gaining practical experience, you’ll be well-equipped to excel in the rapidly evolving world of technology.
Our aim is to set you up with the skills and mindset to thrive in your career, even if your job doesn't exist yet.

Key features

Make use of cutting-edge facilities

Access a range of specialist equipment and innovative laboratories in our engineering and design facility . You'll also have access to specialist laboratories equipped with various hardware and software configurations.

Learn to solve real problems

Explore opportunities to make a difference to real businesses by creating useful applications or by providing consultancy for clients.

Gain professional accreditation

Distinguish yourself with a degree that is accredited by, and entitles membership to, the BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT. You may also gain registration as a Chartered IT Professional (CITP) and will partially meet the educational requirements for Chartered Engineering (CEng) registration.

Course details

  • Year 1

  • In your first year, you’ll engage with the foundations of computer science from programming to algorithms and mathematics. We’ve structured the curriculum to accurately reflect the industry and its many areas of specialisation. You’ll study programming techniques, database development, how to capture requirements and what happens inside a computing operating system. A hands-on course from the outset, you’ll benefit from a number of practical workshops as well as preparing for your third year work placement.

    Core modules

    Stage 1 Computing Placement Preparation 0 credits

    This module is aimed at students who may be undertaking an industrial placement in the third year of their programme. It is designed to assist students in their search for a placement and in their preparation for the placement itself.

    Software Engineering 1 20 credits

    This module exposes students to the principles of software design and construction. The basics of constructing source code to solve a problem will be introduced, exposing students to common control structures alongside concepts such as types and generics. Major programming paradigms such as object orientation and functional programming are introduced. Additionally, key software development tools and methods are explored.

    100% Coursework

    Computer Systems 20 credits

    This module provides students with an underpinning knowledge of how computers work. Topics include low-level systems and representation of data, operating systems, and an introduction to subjects such as virtualisation, parallelism, state and communications. Students will learn how operating systems manage processes and scheduling, and how memory management works.

    100% Coursework

    Cyber Security & Networks 20 credits

    Modern computing relies upon networking and robust cyber security. This module provides an appreciation of their core enabling technologies, discussing how they can be applied. Key networking topics include routing and switching, as well as wireless networks. Key areas of security include underlying concepts and threats, and exploring security technologies that can be applied to enable defence in depth.

    100% Coursework

    Algorithms, Data Structures and Mathematics 20 credits

    Data structures and algorithms lie at the heart of Computer Science as they are the basis for an efficient solution of programming tasks. In this module, students will study core algorithms and data structures, as well as being given an introduction to algorithm analysis and basic Mathematics for Computer Science.

    100% Coursework

    Computing Practice 40 credits

    This module applies problem-based learning to provide students with the ability to identify problems and derive appropriate and considered solutions. A focus will be given to the early stages of the software development lifecycle to develop the skills of eliciting requirements whilst considering operational and technical trade-offs. The module will culminate in the creation of a simple yet complete software solution.

    80% Coursework

    20% Practicals

  • Year 2

  • In the second year, you’ll build on the knowledge you’ve already acquired, engaging with new subjects that will help you identify possible career paths. Students will explore artificial intelligence and machine learning. You will learn how to navigate different processor architectures with low level programming for IoT devices. An integrating project combines all the skills you have learnt so far, and allows you to undergo a full software lifecycle, starting with a concept and ending with a product.

    Core modules

    Stage 2 Computing Placement Preparation 0 credits

    This module is aimed at students who may be undertaking an industrial placement in the third year of their programme. It is designed build on the Level 1 module (BPIE111) and to assist students in their search for a placement and in their preparation for the placement itself.

    Software Engineering 2 20 credits

    Students’ understanding of software engineering is expanded by introducing a range of topics that instil best practice. Students will learn how to implement faster software using parallelism and consider aspects of human-computer interaction. Object-orientation and functional programming are revisited, while event-driven programming is introduced. Common design patterns used in the construction of software are introduced.

    100% Coursework

    Information Management & Retrieval 20 credits

    This module introduces students to the fundamental concepts for graphical representation, information management, database systems and data modelling. The capture, digitisation, representation, organisation, transformation and presentation of information is explored using conceptual and physical data models.

    100% Coursework

    Artificial Intelligence 20 credits

    This module provides students with an introduction to the principles of artificial intelligence and the methods used in that field. Topics covered include search and optimisation, knowledge representation and reasoning, and machine learning. Students will gain experience of modelling and simulation, and will apply analytical tools to evaluating results, and will consider the ethical implications of the introduction of AI.

    100% Coursework

    Computing Group Project 40 credits

    Knowledge gained in earlier stages of the computing programmes is consolidated and integrated into a substantial project. Students work in teams, champion professional roles, design and develop a software solution for a given scenario. The project integrates and expands upon software development stages covered on the course (project management, analysis, design, construction, communication, security and/or networking).

    80% Coursework

    20% Practicals

    Optional modules

    Software Development Tools and Practices 20 credits

    This module explores the current state of the art in testing tools, including static and dynamic analysis tools. It explores programming environments that automate parts of program construction processes (e.g., automated builds) and continuous integration. Software verification and validation concepts are introduced along with testing types and testing fundamentals.

    100% Coursework

    Security Architectures & Cryptography 20 credits

    The ability to design secure systems is critical to the successful operation of any system. This module will develop the knowledge and understanding of security architectures, design principles (such as least privilege, default deny) and elicitation of security requirements to enable the design of secure systems. Core to this knowledge is the role cryptography can have in addressing these requirements.

    100% Coursework

    Game Development 20 credits

    This module provides a series of workshops in interactive systems for game developers with a core lecture series resulting in a substantial individual student project. The workshop series will also introduce students to the game development pipeline through an iterative process, tools and methods used in industry, developing professional practice.

    100% Coursework

  • Optional placement year

  • This year you’ll do your industry placement – which you’ve been preparing for over the past two years – aided by our network of industry contacts. This extensive training period allows you to learn within a professional context, giving you the opportunity to apply your knowledge and skills in the real world, as well as learning from those around you. Over 48 weeks you’ll gain experience and confidence, as well as a host of contacts – all essential in readying you for employment on graduation.

    Core modules

    Computing Related Placement (Generic)

    A 48-week period of professional training spent as the third year of a sandwich course, undertaking an approved placement with a suitable company. This provides an opportunity for you to gain relevant industrial experience to consolidate the first two years of study and to prepare for the final year and employment after graduation. Please note this placement is optional but strongly recommended.

  • Final year

  • You’ll now be ready to demonstrate all that you’ve learned over the past three years by undertaking a substantial problem-solving individual project focused on a specific area of personal interest, or one that relates to your intended career. Students will explore computational problem solving with GP-GPUs and expand upon machine learning knowledge to analyse real datasets and control real-time systems. Cloud computing is examined to understand the deployment and performance of Internet services.

    Core modules

    Computing Project 40 credits

    The Computing Project provides an opportunity to tackle a major computing related problem in an approved topic area relevant to the programme of study.

    80% Coursework

    20% Practicals

    Optional modules

    Parallel Computing 20 credits

    This module develops an understanding of problems in Computer Science which take advantage of general-purpose computing on GPUs. It provides practical methodologies to reformulate problems in terms of hardware architecture, graphics primitives and high-performance computing concepts, as supported by the most recent GPUs. It develops the skills to implement parallel solutions with common GP-GPU computing languages.

    100% Coursework

    Machine Learning 20 credits

    This module introduces machine learning, covering unsupervised, supervised and reinforcement learning from a Bayesian perspective. This includes theory behind a range of learning techniques and how to apply these representations of data in systems that make decisions and predictions.

    100% Coursework

    Advanced Computing and Networking Infrastructures 20 credits

    This module introduces the infrastructures of the future Internet and cloud, both moving towards virtualisation and softwarisation, and describes how they underpin the development and deployment of multimedia Internet applications and services. Topics include virtualisation and cloud; services and applications; Software Defined Networking, and Network Function Virtualisation; load balancing, performance and resilience.

    100% Coursework

    Full-Stack Development 20 credits

    This module explores the production of dynamic web applications with a particular focus on the web environment. Key elements such as object oriented and event-based development, asynchronous client-server communication and distributed content representation are explored through practical production. The production of a working system uses dynamic web frameworks such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript/jQuery.

    100% Coursework

    HCI, Usability and Visualization 20 credits

    This module has three main objectives. The first objective is to enhance the students understanding of the topic of Human Computer Interaction (HCI). The second is to emphasise the crucial role of user feedback in the software development life cycle. The final objective is to exemplify this grounding in HCI and usability evaluation using the application area of Information Visualization.

    100% Coursework

    Big Data Analytics 20 credits

    The key objective of this module is to familiarise the students with the most important information technologies used in manipulating, storing and analysing big data. Students will work with semi-structured datasets and choose appropriate storage structures for them. A representative of recent non-relational trends is presented—namely, graph-oriented databases.

    100% Coursework

    Security Operations & Incident Management 20 credits

    This module will examine the incident management and the role it plays within modern information security systems. It will introduce key concepts in the analysis of network traffic for signs of intrusions, as well as the process of responding to computer incidents including the identification and analysis of malicious code.

    100% Coursework

    Ethical Hacking 20 credits

    Understanding the security and vulnerabilities of IT systems is critical in their protection. This module seeks to develop the knowledge and skills to undertake penetration testing of systems. A range of passive and active offensive techniques will be taught, alongside an in-depth understanding of the legal and ethical issues surrounding such activity.

    100% Coursework

    Digital Forensics & Malware Analysis 20 credits

    This module examines the procedures, tools and techniques utilised within the field of digital forensics. It will introduce an understanding of the methodology deployed in the handling of digital evidence, the volatility of data and maintaining the integrity of data. Knowledge and skills will be developed of tools and techniques to examine and analyse forensic data across differing computing platforms.

    100% Coursework

    Games Graphics Pipelines 20 credits

    This module develops core programming skills for game developers, targeting specific elements of graphics pipelines; rendering, shading and optimisation for varied platforms such as AR (mobile) VR and XR platforms. The module focuses on specific skills required to develop tools/solution for emerging game technologies.

    100% Coursework

    Immersive Game Technologies 20 credits

    This module introduces the concepts and programming techniques for high performance real-time graphics using a relevant graphical API. A bottom-up view of graphical programming is taken, excluding the use of game engines and high-level prototyping tools. Students also learn transferrable skills: programming in an un-managed environment, tools programming, programming for physical interfaces and/or sensors.

    100% Coursework

    Computing Product Development, Management & Delivery

    This module explores the fundamental developmental, managerial and delivery aspects across the complete development lifecycle. Covering fundamental topics including: requirements gathering, project pitches, developmental constraints (legal, social, ethical and professional), quality assurance, product marketing and social enterprise.

Course-specific academic regulations

This course has unique rules relating to:

  • Compensation of marks
View the full regulations for this course
The modules shown for this course are those currently being studied by our students, or are proposed new modules. Please note that programme structures and individual modules are subject to amendment from time to time as part of the University’s curriculum enrichment programme and in line with changes in the University’s policies and requirements.

Entry requirements

UCAS tariff

104 - 120

Contextual offers: Typically, the contextual offer for this course is 8 points below the advertised tariff. A contextual offer is an offer to study at university that takes into account individual circumstances that are beyond your control, and that can potentially impact your learning and your exam results, or your confidence in applying to university.

Check your eligibility for a contextual offer

GCSE: English C/4 and mathematics grade B/5. If you have a grade C/4 in mathematics please contact admissions team.
A levels:104-120 points from minimum of 2 A levels in any subject.
International Baccalaureate: 26-30 overall
18 Unit BTEC National Diploma/QCF Extended Diploma: DMM-DDM – science related subjects: IT, Humanities, Engineering, Software Development, IT Practitioners, Business, Computing, Science (GCSE English C/4 and mathematics grade B/5. If you have a grade C/4 in mathematics please contact admissions team).
BTEC National Diploma modules
If you hold a BTEC qualification it is vital that you provide our Admissions team with details of the exact modules you have studied as part of the BTEC. Without this information, we may be unable to process your application quickly and you could experience significant delays in the progress of your application to study with us. Please explicitly state the full list of modules within your qualification at the time of application.
All Access courses: Pass Access to HE Diploma in a relevant subject (e.g. Computing/IT/Science/ Humanities/Engineering), with at least 33 Level 3 credits at Merit/Distinction.
T level: Merit to Distinction depending on the Mathematics units studying within the T level pathways.
Other qualifications will be considered individually; please contact us for information.
We welcome applicants with international qualifications. To view other accepted qualifications please refer to our tariff glossary .
Note: we will accept students onto year 2 or year 4. Please contact us for further information.

Fees, costs and funding

2024-2025 2025-2026 *
Home £9,250 £9,535
International £18,100 £18,650
Part time (Home) £770 £795
Full time fees shown are per annum. Part time fees shown are per 10 credits. Please note that fees are reviewed on an annual basis. Fees and the conditions that apply to them shown in the prospectus are correct at the time of going to print. Fees shown on the web are the most up to date but are still subject to change in exceptional circumstances. More information about fees and funding.

*UK Government announcement on tuition fees

Following an announcement in November, the government has confirmed its intention to increase undergraduate tuition fees for the 2025/26 academic year.

Subject to final Parliamentary approval (expected in early March 2025), the tuition fee for UK students is increasing to a maximum of £9,535 from 1 August 2025. This change applies to current and new students at the University of Plymouth. The Student Loans Company (SLC) has confirmed loans for tuition fees will be increased accordingly.

Undergraduate scholarships for international students

To reward outstanding achievement the University of Plymouth offers scholarship schemes to help towards funding your studies.

Additional costs

This course is delivered by the Faculty of Science and Engineering and more details of any additional costs associated with the faculty's courses are listed on the following page: Additional fieldwork and equipment costs .

Tuition fees for optional placement years

The fee for all undergraduate students completing any part of their placement year in the UK in 2024/2025 is £1,850.
The fee for all undergraduate students completing their whole placement year outside the UK in 2024/2025 is £1,385.
Learn more about placement year tuition fees
Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship
The Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship is a national programme aimed at supporting women A level and BTEC/OCR (or Scottish equivalent) students from low-income households who wish to study computer science or related engineering courses at UK universities.
Applications are open
Deadline: 13 May 2025, 4pm

How to apply

All applications for undergraduate courses are made through UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service).
UCAS will ask for the information contained in the box at the top of this course page including the UCAS course code and the institution code.
To apply for this course and for more information about submitting an application including application deadline dates, please visit the UCAS website.
Support is also available to overseas students applying to the University from our International Office via our how to apply webpage or email

Progression routes

International progression routes

The University of Plymouth International College (UPIC) offers foundation, first-year and pre-masters programmes that lead to University of Plymouth degrees. Courses are specially designed for EU and international students who are missing the grades for direct entry to the University, and include full duration visa sponsorship. You can start in January, May or September, benefitting from small class sizes, top-quality tuition and 24/7 student support.
Find out more at or contact our team at

Preparing coders, creators and developers for work

We regularly have students securing placements and jobs at FTSE 100 companies. There is a perception that only students from red brick universities go to these places. It simply is not the case – our students are massively competitive and win these placements as well.

Nathan ClarkeProfessor Nathan Clarke
Professor in Cyber Security and Digital Forensics

The placement year taught me how to interact with different people throughout the company at differing levels and how to approach conversations to get the maximum amount of information out of them.

Richard Imms, BSc (Hons) Computer Science graduate, Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Just Eat.
Babbage building on a sunny day with blue skies, two people entering the building.

Specialist facilities

Our specialist labs aid our research-driven, hands-on teaching.
Our landmark Babbage Building houses contemporary specialist equipment and laboratories, bringing engineering, science and the arts together, and enabling holistic and creative approaches to problem-solving to address some of the world’s biggest issues.
You'll also have access to a number of specialist laboratories in the Smeaton Building, equipped with various hardware and software configurations.

I don’t think there’s been a single week where I haven’t used the computing lab at least five out of seven days. Having free, full access to specialised software like MATLAB, VirtualBox, Azure and Eclipse has been a significant boost to my education.

Samuel Fakolujo, BSc (Hons) Computer Science

Research-informed teaching

Learn from researchers and lecturers who are developing applications
Benefit from our industry expertise and study a course that is influenced by our innovative research. Study theoretical and practical modules, which cover a range of topics including machine learning, computational theory, artificial intelligence, computer vision and parallel computing.
We have active research projects that are key to some of the industry's most pressing issues. Active core members of these research groups make up a large proportion of your lecturers and tutors, and you will be taught be some of the best academics in the field.

Meet your expert teaching staff

Meet our school technical staff

Our technical staff are integral to the delivery of all our programmes and bring a diverse range of expertise and skills to support students in laboratories and workshops.

console.log("Welcome to CompSoc");

The University of Plymouth Computing Society offers a platform to explore, innovate, and connect.
Programming: participate in collaborative coding sessions where we learn together. These sessions are perfect for both improving your skills and helping others with their coding challenges.
Guest speakers: gain insights from industry professionals through our guest speaker events. These talks provide valuable industry connections and real-world perspectives on what it's like working in tech.
Networking events: build your professional network at our events. Meet peers, alumni, and professionals from the tech industry, opening doors to potential career opportunities and collaborations.
Kaspersky interactive protection simulation (KIPS) training

Apply to the Tamar Engineering Project

Open for applications to ambitious students who want to embark on a career in engineering and who have shown potential for high academic achievement at A level, but whose background or personal circumstances may be a barrier to university study. Successful applicants will receive:
  • £3,000 per annum towards living costs for the duration of the taught element of their degree (usually three years)
  • £1,500 fee waiver per annum
  • one-to-one mentoring from an industry expert.
Tamar Bridge
Athena SWAN Silver Award logo

Athena Swan Silver

The School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics was awarded an Athena Swan Silver award in September 2024 which demonstrates our ongoing commitment to advancing gender equality and success for all.
*These are the latest results from the National Student Survey. Please note that the data published on Discover Uni is updated annually in September.