“The fantastic, up-to-date, high-quality teaching helped me exceed at University of Plymouth. The genuine care and support the academic staff gave students exceeded what was required in their job roles and allowed students to flourish.”
Tell us about your career path since graduation.
Since graduating I have applied to three hospitals within the South West and was fortunate enough to receive job offers from all three. I have also applied to undertake a part-time masters degree alongside my work commitments.
Did you decide to change your career path during your studies, and if so, why?
I didn't change my career path, but during my studies I did think of other specialities or avenues I could go down once I had gained my qualifications. The fact that I had very supportive and inspirational academic teachers ensured that my initial spark and interest in midwifery education grew, leading me to think about taking my career in that direction.
What was the most difficult thing you faced finding a job?
The competitiveness of securing a job in the South West was a really difficult factor in securing a job. You’re going against all your friends and peers who also desire a job, which can be a challenging process.
What is the best, most exciting or fun thing that you have done in your career (or that you’re most looking forward to)?
I am looking forward to being able to make a difference and contribute to changes within healthcare, with the goal of improving peoples’ lives and peoples’ experiences of being treated in a hospital.
What advice would you give to anyone wanting to get in to the same line of work?
Make sure you attain the appropriate qualifications and try to gain some work experience before starting the course so that you get a better understanding of working in healthcare and the realities of working for a 24/7 service.
How did studying at Plymouth help you?
The fantastic, up-to-date, high-quality teaching helped me exceed at University of Plymouth. The genuine care and support the academic staff gave students exceeded what was required in their job roles and allowed students to flourish.