"Having developed an interest in respiratory medicine, I got a band 6 respiratory rotation post which allowed me to further develop my skills. I did back to back nine-month rotations in the acute respiratory wards, covering haematology and oncology, followed by a rotation in cardiothoracics.
"Throughout my junior and senior rotations, I attended a number of study days, conferences and symposiums, I enjoyed studying and reading subjects related to my area of practice to benefit my patients and enhance my learning whilst acquiring new clinical skills.
"A new physiotherapy position was created in the Home Ventilation service team. The team which is nurse led, provides non-invasive ventilation and tracheostomy ventilation support to patients with chronic respiratory failure. This developmental post gave me the opportunity to start postgraduate education.
"I have completed five postgraduate modules at master’s level, giving me 110 credits. I am hoping to at least finish with a postgraduate diploma in advanced practice. We will see!
"Having six years under my belt in a specialist post, some serious postgraduate education, extended scope clinical skills, inpatient and community experience, allowed me to progress onto a band 7 post, Community Matron for long term conditions."