Angie Foulds graduated in 2016 from BSc (Hons) Nursing (Adult) and is now working as a Staff Nurse in Cardiology for the South Devon Health Care NHS Foundation Trust.
Angela Foulds - Adult Nursing graduate
Staff Nurse - Cardiology
"The placements I had as a student nurse enabled me to discover my strengths and weaknesses as well as my untapped passion for cardiology and teaching."

Since graduation
"After graduating from the University of Plymouth with a first-class honours degree in adult nursing in 2016 I have specialised in cardiology. My first three months were spent on the coronary care unit to consolidate my learning and gain valuable experience. I am currently working in the Cardiac Cath Laboratory covering outpatient lists, in patient lists and emergencies. I enjoy the environment, the speciality and the variety of the lab, recovery and CCU."
"The best thing I have done since qualifying is definitely getting a job in cardiology. I have continued to study, attending courses in Bristol and Manchester. I am currently three modules in to my MSc Advanced Practice. I love learning and love the fact that my degree has enabled me to self-indulge in courses I find fascinating. I have also taught as a clinical demonstrator at the University of Plymouth, which is something I never dreamt I would do in a million years. Yet, I have absolutely loved passing on my knowledge and experience to student nurses and to share empathy for their experience is incredibly rewarding."

"I had worked for 15 years as a Maternity Health Care Assistant. I always knew I wanted to go on and train as a health professional, but I was never sure which direction or department I wanted to progress in to. Adult nursing gave me a broad base and has been a great foundation to facilitate many different career pathways."
"The University is supportive throughout utilising a fantastic range of learning resources as well as well-appointed staff to help with every aspect of a student’s challenge. These benefits range from webinars as a communication tool through to great informal eateries to grab a coffee with friends between lectures."
"I won’t lie, the course is tough! But I think that is what makes it such an achievement. I cannot tell you how special the group of friends are that I made during my training; we went through so much together. No one understands quite like someone who is sharing the same experience."
Career preparation
"The University of Plymouth prepared me for my career in many ways. I had a great variety in my student nurse placements including, dermatology, care of the elderly, surgical wards, medical wards, district nursing, A&E and community hospital. In addition to this I spent time in the out-patients department, pathology, microbiology, rheumatology, general theatres, orthopaedic theatres as well as time with specialist nurses and other members of the multidisciplinary team."
"I was able to attend safeguarding meetings, funding decision meetings and mental capacity assessments to name but a few of my experiences. I feel the University of Plymouth empowered us as student nurses and actively encouraged us to pursue all avenues of healthcare."
"I think BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing has taught me so much more than nursing alone, it really was a journey of self-discovery. Embracing the variety of opportunities available definitely enhances future prospects and opens doors you would never have known existed. Although I enjoyed and saw value in all of my placements I also discovered some aspects that I definitely did not want as elements in my future career."

"When I first qualified and put on my blue uniform I was terrified of everything. I was so scared that my knowledge would be inadequate, that I would make a mistake and worse of all I thought I would be a bag of nerves at work forever. However, after starting my preceptorship course I realised I was not alone, the experiences and feeling shared with my group bared so many similarities. I started my preceptorship course in November after qualifying. I think if I had my time again I would have booked straight on to the course at the beginning of September as I feel it is incredibly beneficial for all newly qualified nurses’ confidence as well as debriefing and support."
"I used learning development and the drop-in writing café a lot to help me improve my essay writing. Both of which were really useful and I would absolutely recommend them to anyone, whether you are struggling or whether you just want to improve your marks. I also used the library regularly, it is fantastic for group study sessions you can book a private room or use the tables throughout the library. There is a great selection of books and although I bought some books, there was such an extensive selection of nursing books at the library this gave depth to my subject knowledge and this became evident in my essay writing."
Returning to study
"I had a husband and two daughters so studying close to home was a priority for me. I returned to study and found learning development and the writing café invaluable. My cohort boasted great diversity with my peers drawing on all sorts of backgrounds. Many were mature students with children of a similar age to mine so we shared solutions to challenges that we faced; I often found that issues that I thought were unique to my situation weren’t so unusual after all."
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