“Encompass the six c’s: care, compassion, competence, communication, courage, and commitment. Be proactive and have a thirst for knowledge. Midwifery is diverse and interesting, so embrace all the challenges.”
Tell us about your career path since graduation.
Since graduating I have been privileged to be offered a position as a registered midwife in the hospital in which I completed my midwifery training. This is a preceptorship post and will allow me to consolidate my learning with the ongoing support of the team who supported me throughout my training.
What was the most difficult thing you faced finding a job?
I applied for any suitable jobs I could as I felt that all experience would be beneficial. There is a lot of competition for jobs in midwifery with many trusts unable to guarantee jobs to their own students upon qualifying. Initial selection is based upon personal statements and these need to be completed in order to apply as soon as jobs are released which is usually around the same time as you are completing final work such as your dissertation.
What is the best, most exciting or fun thing that you have done in your career (or that you’re most looking forward to)?
I am most looking forward to working as an autonomous practitioner. With faith in my own clinical skills, using the knowledge and hands-on experience that I have gained, I want to support the transition to parenthood and promote normality. Midwifery is a privileged job role and every mother I meet and every baby I assist to be born safely is rewarding.
What, if anything, would you have done differently at university?
I always began the term with good intentions to complete all homework and write up course notes the same day, but an 84 mile commute each way and a five year old son didn’t quite let that happen. I managed it but there were a couple of occasions, whilst pushing to meet a deadline, that I wished I had somehow been that tiny bit more organised!
What advice would you give to anyone wanting to get in to the same line of work?
Smile! Encompass the six c’s: care, compassion, competence, communication, courage, and commitment. Be proactive and have a thirst for knowledge. Midwifery is diverse and interesting, so embrace all the challenges and individuals you will come across. Mentors will reflect your attitude to learning so be enthusiastic, compassionate, and willing to learn. Read up on contemporary midwifery issues and stay up to date with evidenced based practice. Be empathetic towards women in your care and support them to make informed choices.
How did studying at Plymouth help you?
Studying at Plymouth helped me become a confident practitioner through hands-on placements alongside clinical skills and theory sessions. Development of critical analysis skills has enhanced my ability to ensure evidence based practice, whilst use of the library and support available ensured that I felt prepared and competent in clinical and professional midwifery practice.