Abstract, blurred image of business people meeting 

Qualifications designed by employers for employers

It can be difficult to develop and retain highly skilled employees. Our work-based and higher apprenticeships help businesses:
  • to overcome skills gaps
  • to improve staff retention
  • and with their succession planning.
An apprentice with her mentor.

Meet unique business needs

Degree apprentices learn at work, this develops the knowledge and occupational competencies demanded by specific job roles, and meets the unique needs of the business.

Increase productivity

Degree apprenticeships enable businesses to keep up to date with the latest techniques and technology, increasing productivity for the future.

Fill higher-level skills gaps

Higher-level skills are vital to business performance and economic growth. Through degree apprenticeships, higher-level skills gaps can be filled efficiently and effectively by tailoring the learning.

Staff development

Existing staff can benefit from career development either by taking part in a degree apprenticeship or working with a degree apprentice in the workforce, through mentoring opportunities and more.

Providing opportunity

Higher Education apprenticeships are funded and regulated through the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) and inspected for quality by Ofsted.
They develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) required for a specific job role and combine this with academic learning. Apprentices will typically work full time and study part time. The programme tests both occupational competence and academic learning.
The University of Plymouth offers degree and higher apprenticeships at levels 5, 6 and 7. Providing the opportunity to achieve a Foundation Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Masters dependent on the apprenticeship.

People often think apprenticeships are for early career, but my experience has been invaluable to my senior leadership position.

Michael Visick is Chief Operating Officer of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Research Network (CRN) South West Peninsula.

Our courses align to national apprenticeship standards

Degree apprenticeships are developed to align with nationally established apprenticeship standards, reflecting the job roles for which apprentices train. The knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) set out within the standard are tailored specifically to ensure that the apprentice succeeds within that job role.

Programmes in development

Launching September 2025
  • Dietitian
  • Project Manager – 3 year distance learning
  • Podiatry Work-based Programme, will also have a January 2026 intake
  • Enhanced Clinical Practitioner
  • Specialist Community Public Health Nurse
Launching September 2026
  • Dispensing Optician

Join an information session

We have a range of information sessions running between February and March 2025. These sessions will give you more information about our degree apprenticeships.

Why choose the University of Plymouth?

Our reputation

With an international reputation and proven track record of providing higher-level education, we can support your business to upskill your staff and grow your business at no or little upfront cost.
Employees gain either a higher-level qualification or an honours degree with the University of Plymouth, utilising an academic community that is distinguished by its high-quality teaching.
Secured a grade of ‘outstanding’ from the Office for Students in a 2024 audit

We make it easy

One size does not fit all when it comes to training. Our industry-led, consultative approach means we identify training needs within your business and provide bespoke solutions to your skills gaps.
We recognise that funding for training is not always straightforward. As education funding experts, we can support you in accessing government funding through the apprenticeship levy or provide alternative funding options to minimise or eradicate any up-front cost to your business.

*OfS audit success

In a 2024 Office for Students audit on our EPA process, we secured a grade of 'outstanding'. The audit ran across a 16-week period and took a deep dive into our systems, processes, infrastructure and management of the University acting on the capacity of an End Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO).
The Office for Students reported that:
“Communication and support for apprentices in relation to EPA is highly effective. Apprentices reported feeling well prepared for EPA and mentioned the outstanding support they received”.
The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) also conducted a successful audit in 2024 to assess our ability to manage our ESFA contract in compliance with the funding rules.

These outcomes validate our robust and rigorous processes and effective management across our apprenticeship journey. We would like to express our gratitude for the ongoing support and engagement from our stakeholders, which has been invaluable in making this possible.

Successful funding award for degree apprenticeship programme development

We are delighted to inform that the University of Plymouth has successfully secured funding from the Office for Students (OfS) Degree Apprenticeship Competition Fund. This funding will enable us to develop and launch new degree apprenticeship programmes aimed at enhancing opportunities for learners while supporting the growth and skill development needs of the workforce, building on our success in this area of provision. The programmes in scope of the project are, Project Management, Social Work, Nursing and Dietician. The funding will allow us to develop high quality curriculums in a blended format, supporting elements of distance learning that will enable us to provide a flexible offer that can service wider geographical regions.
This achievement reflects our commitment to advancing higher education and bridging the skills gap by offering innovative, work-based learning pathways in a flexible and blended way. The new programmes will be designed in collaboration with industry partners to ensure they align with current and future workforce demands.
Programmes we are developing within this project include:
  • Dietitian
  • Project Manager
  • Registered Nurse
  • Social Worker

Higher and degree apprenticeships in practice

Who are they for?

Both current employees, including senior managers and newly recruited employees can study for a higher apprenticeship or work-based degree qualifications. The knowledge they gain can be directly applied to the workplace and will quickly grow the skillset within your organisation.

How does the training work?

Employees study a core set of modules with flexible elements that businesses can choose to meet their ongoing requirements. Your employee is able to work and study giving them the flexibility that they need while still being on the payroll.

What do employees who undertake this training need to be paid?

Employees must be paid at least a minimum wage appropriate to their age and job role.

How much study time is expected of employees?

Apprentices will be expected to spend a minimum of six hours per week of their contracted working hours in off-the-job training. Depending on the apprenticeship programme, this could be in the form of attendance at University, or time to study online.

What support is available?

Our apprenticeship programmes will include support for your employee via a Personal Workplace Tutor and an Academic Tutor. You will also be expected to assign a Company Mentor for the duration of the programme. As the employer, you will be expected to support your apprentice by allowing them sufficient study time and access to resources or work experience they might need to succeed.

Our approach to subcontracting

The University of Plymouth delivers Higher and Degree Level apprenticeships to organisations in the following sectors:
  • Business and administration i.e. leadership and management
  • Engineering and manufacturing
  • Health and medical
  • Digital
The University of Plymouth will plan and authorise apprenticeship programmes with the intention of delivering all parts of the programme itself. However, this may not always be possible, and, in such circumstances, the University may agree to subcontract the delivery of any part of an apprenticeship. The University will comply with ESFA funding rules when dealing with subcontracting and management of apprenticeships. The University will only agree to subcontract delivery of any part of an apprenticeship in the following circumstances:
  • where it is a contractual requirement with the employer that part of the delivery of the apprenticeship is subcontracted to them
  • where the University does not have the in-house expertise to deliver an essential part of the apprenticeship
  • where the sub-contractor will add value to the delivery model making an impact.
The decision to subcontract will be discussed with the employer before entering a subcontract arrangement and will be recorded in the employer agreement with the employer and all relevant ESFA documentation as part of the evidence pack. Where any element of the programme, is subcontracted to the employer or another provider, they must be either a Main or Supporting Provider on ESFA’s register of Apprentice Training Providers or a registered Employer Provider. All subcontracted provision will be subject to the University’s Subcontracting Policy for ESFA Funded programmes which sets out how the University will monitor, and quality assure subcontracted provision. This policy applies to all subcontracted provision including that provided by employer providers, main providers or supporting providers.
The fees charged will be agreed on a case-by-case basis depending on the extent of services provided. This will include business factors such as:
  • the level and type of professional training provided
  • the level of on programme support provided to the apprentice and the employer
  • the level of support provided to the subcontractor
  • the commercial relationship between the parties
  • the number of apprentices.