Online counselling and mental health support

Online support available to students

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Mental Health Advisors 

If you feel you need immediate support in relation to your mental health, then you can you can contact the duty Mental Health Advisor (Monday to Thursday 9:00–17:00, Friday 9:00–16:30) via the Student Hub. Please call +44 1752 587676 or you can email (please bear in mind there will be a delay in a response via email). 

Counselling and Mental Health Workers

Counselling and Mental Health continue to offer all their services online, however we now have capacity to start offering some face to face appointments where appropriate.

Student Hub

You can contact our Student Hub which is available virtually and remains open Monday to Thursday 9:00–17:00, Friday 9:00–16:30.

The team are contactable by phone +44 1752 587676  or email

The team can provide advice and guidance about a wide range of services such as  funding, writing support, mental health, disability support, visas and immigration, wellbeing, in fact anything not related to the curriculum but about student and university life in general.

Gillian Sheppard (left) and Charlotte Kingston, Learning Gateway
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Online wellbeing resources

We provide a selection of online self-help resources for University of Plymouth students to support your emotional, physical, social and financial wellbeing.
Take a look at our online resources 


Togetherall is a safe, online, peer-to-peer community where people support each other anonymously to improve mental health and wellbeing. Togetherall is designed to help you take control of your mental health and start to feel better. You will have access to a 24/7 online community and professional support from trained counsellors. Togetherall provides a safe space online to get things off your chest, explore your feelings, get creative and learn how to self-manage your mental health and wellbeing.

Togetherall is free and totally anonymous, so no one will know you’ve chosen to use it unless you tell them!

Find out more about Togetherall

Fika – look after your own emotions and stay well

Find out how to download Fika, a mental health improvement platform, to help positively impact wellbeing and performance. 

Getty image for Fika page - mental health and wellbeing