Acorn on an Oak tree ripe in autumn, on a sunny day
If you are looking for advice, guidance or support with your wellbeing or mental health then there is lots of support available for you. Student wellbeing services are available to support your academic progress and provide you with strategies to overcome/manage distress. Being a student can be stressful at times, this is to be expected, however sometimes you may need a helping hand.
Many difficulties we can face can be resolved before we need to talk to someone. The University of Plymouth partners with Togetherall to place the support you may need in your hands. There are a range of helpful articles around common issues students face, such as budgeting, homesickness, anxiety, depression and bereavement. You can also reach out to others who may be feeling similar for support or talk to a trained counsellor 24/7 for listening support and advice.
You can also contact the student wellbeing team, which offers a range of options, unique to your circumstances. If you feel you need support, then you can complete our simple online referral form . Every referral is reviewed by one of our specialist practitioners and recommendations made based on the information you provide us. This may include signposting to other organisations, self-help information, workshops, drop-in appointments, mental health consultations, specialist liaison with NHS services and brief counselling. Please be aware we are not a crisis or emergency service, and you may have to wait up to five working days for advice or offer of support.
If you are studying at one of our many partner colleges, please seek support from your equivalent student services on site.
If you feel unable to keep yourself safe, please see our information on support in times of crisis.


Physical access
The Student Hub is located in the Charles Seale-Hayne Library and is fully accessible. One-to-one individual appointments are usually held in 4 Portland Mews where there is wheelchair access to the ground floor, a waiting area and adapted toilet facilities
If you'd like an appointment and need it to be in a ground floor room, please contact us on +44 1752 587676 in advance and we'll arrange this for you; you can also make a note of this on our self-referral form. If required, we can arrange parking for disabled students in a bay immediately outside the building
Written materials
All our service publicity can be produced in different formats on request.

Emergency contact numbers

If you are concerned about the immediate safety of yourself or others call 999.
Telephone NHS Choices: 111
NHS Choices website
Telephone Samaritans: 116 123
Samaritans website
Out of hours you can contact the First Response Support Line on 0800 923 9323.

Student Hub opening times and contact details

Your one-stop-shop for the following services covered on this page. Truro and Exeter students please also contact these numbers for access to Student Wellbeing Services.
The Student Hub is located in Charles Seale-Hayne Library. You will be able to find all services that were previously available in the Learning Gateway, plus Funding and International advice.
Opening times:
Monday – Thursday, 08:30–17:00 / Friday 09:30–16:30
Address: Student Hub, Charles Seale-Hayne Library, University of Plymouth, PL4 8AA
Gillian Sheppard (left) and Charlotte Kingston, Learning Gateway