A female individual using a laptop and making notes
All education providers have a duty to make anticipatory ‘reasonable adjustments’ to make sure disabled students are not discriminated against. Where a disabled person is at a substantial disadvantage in comparison with people who are not disabled, there is a duty to take reasonable steps to remove that disadvantage by: changing provisions, criteria or practices, altering, removing or providing a reasonable alternative means of avoiding physical features and providing auxiliary aids.
Additional information relating to the provision of reasonable adjustments for students training in regulated professions (e.g. health, nursing and medicine) can be found in HEOPS fitness standard guides.
HEOPS fitness standard guides have been developed in consultation with the statutory regulatory bodies for a range of regulated professions is available.
The Reasonable Adjustments Review Panel (RARP) meets regularly to discuss levels of additional support funding to be provided for students with disabilities. Please read our terms of reference for the RARP for more information.

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