Welcome to postgraduate education in the School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics. Our programmes are designed to give you the knowledge and skills needed to help you fulfil your career ambitions. We offer programmes ranging from conversion courses designed to help you move into a new sector to specialist courses designed to enhance your abilities in your chosen topic. All of our programmes have been developed with employability as a central focus and are taught by research active academics, insuring they are at the forefront of current knowledge and practice.
Which degree is right for me?
We offer a range of taught and research masters programmes as well as the opportunity to undertake research to gain a doctoral degree. See below for details of the different types of degree and pathways for higher level study.
MSc: 1 year duration, 2 semesters of taught content (120 credits), dissertation (60 credits). Many of our MSc programmes include a work placement module.
MRes: 1 year duration, 1 semester of taught content (60 credits), followed by an expanded research dissertation (120 credits).
ResM: 12 – 18 months, 40 credits of taught modules (either semester) alongside an extended research project.
PhD: 3 – 4 years, no requirement to take taught modules in the majority of cases. The focus is on a major research project.
Postgraduate taught programmes
MSc Artificial Intelligence
MSc Civil Engineering
MSc Coastal Engineering
MSc Cyber Security
MSc Data Science and Business Analytics
MSc Electrical and Electronic Engineering
MSc Health Data Science and Statistics
MRes Maritime Cyber Security
MSc Maritime Science
MSc Mechanical Engineering Design
MSc Medical Engineering
MSc Offshore Renewable Energy
MSc Offshore Renewable Energy Engineering
MSc Robotics
Research opportunities
- PhD Civil Engineering (Full-time, Part-time route available)
- PhD Communication and Electronic Engineering (Full-time, Part-time route available)
- ResM Communication and Electronic Engineering (Full-time, Part-time route available)
- PhD Computing (Full-time, Part-time route available)
- PhD Cyber Security (Full-time, Part-time route available)
- PhD Mathematics and Statistics (Full-time, Part-time route available)
- ResM Mathematics and Statistics (Full-time, Part-time route available)
- PhD Mechanical Engineering (Full-time, Part-time route available)
- PhD on the Basis of Prior Published Works in Cyber Security (Part-time)
Our research groups
Autonomous Marine Systems Research Group
Big Data group
Centre for Mathematical Sciences
Centre for Robotics and Neural Systems (CRNS)
Centre for Security, Communications and Network Research
COAST Engineering Research Group
Maritime Cyber Threats research group
MAterials and STructures (MAST) Research Group
Nanotechnology and Electronics Research Group