Athena Swan Silver
The School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics was awarded an Athena Swan Silver Award in October 2024 which demonstrates our ongoing commitment to advancing gender equality and success for all.
Meet the team
Dr Yinghui Wei
Associate Head of School (Resources)
School Lead for EDI and Athena Swan
Miss Emily Bradley
Senior Administrator (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion)
Professor Alex Belton
Head of School and substantive Professor of Mathematics
Ms Jools Taylor
Assistant Administrator
Dr Asiya Khan
Associate Dean for Education and Student Experience
Dr Yeaw Chu Lee
Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering
Dr Boksun Kim
Associate Professor of Structural Engineering
Dr David Simmonds
Associate Professor in Coastal Engineering
Dr Vasilios Kelefouras
Lecturer in Computer Science
Dr Amir Aly
Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Dr Dena Bazazian
Lecturer in Robotics and Machine Vision
Dr Keri Collins
Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering subject /ECR Representative
Mr Tom Crichton
Associate Head of School (Recruitment)
Navigation subject representative
Anna Fisker Hansen
Senior Technician (STEAM Room)
Technical Staff representative
Dr Matthew Craven
Associate Head of School (UG Education)
Mrs Mara Wolf
Senior Support Administrator
Case studies
May 2024
Registered supporter of the London Mathematical Society Good Practice Scheme
As of May 2024, The School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics is registered as a supporter of the London Mathematical Society Good Practice Scheme which shows our commitment to working towards addressing the under-representation of women in mathematics in higher education. The School has committed to five principles of good practice:
As of May 2024, The School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics is registered as a supporter of the London Mathematical Society Good Practice Scheme which shows our commitment to working towards addressing the under-representation of women in mathematics in higher education. The School has committed to five principles of good practice:
- A robust organisational framework to deliver equality of opportunity and reward.
- Appointment, promotion and selection processes and procedures that encourage men and women to apply for academic posts at all levels.
- Departmental structures and systems which enable men and women to progress and continue in their careers.
- Departmental organisation, structure, management arrangements and culture that are open, inclusive and transparent and encourage the participation of all staff.
- Flexible approaches and provisions that encompass the working day, the working year and a working life and enable individuals, at all career and life stages, to maximise their contribution to mathematics, their department and institution.
April 2024
Royal Academy of Engineering Diversity Impact Programme
Project aims to enhance young people’s achievements and enthusiasm for engineering -
Supporting neurodivergent and disabled students in engineering
STEM Mentoring Project in Africa
SECaM Inclusive and Collaborative Culture Workshop
As part of a drive to make the School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics as inclusive as possible, and to help explore new ways of doing so, the School ran a staff ICC (Inclusive and Collaborative Culture) workshop on 17 April 2024 with Emma Brown (Source Coaching) and the Leadership Forum Theatre. Faculty office staff were invited to attend. The workshop aimed to raise awareness and discussion of non-inclusive and unconscious behaviours and attitudes that demonstrate personal power and role power dynamics that can be a catalyst for exclusivity.
January 2023
Inclusive culture training
A guest speaker, Dr Mark McBride-Wright from EqualEngineers, delivered Inclusive Culture Training for staff during the School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics Planning Day in January 2023. The theme of the training was ‘Embedding Systemic Inclusion for Neurodiverse and Disabled Engineering Students’, with the aim of promoting inclusive teaching, learning and assessment. The training also addressed matters highlighted by the 2021/22 EDI staff survey, to improve and promote the use of inclusive language. Staff were involved in group discussions to consider what actions the School can take to enhance its inclusive culture. The collective feedback will be reviewed by the School EDI Committee to support our Athena Swan agenda.
The inclusive culture training is part of the Royal Academy Engineering funded project “Embedding Systemic Inclusion for Neurodiverse and Disabled Engineering Students” led by Dr Asiya Khan, Associate Head of School for Teaching and Learning.
February 2023
Student EDI introduction training
March 2023
Mentoring future women graduates in STEM in Africa
Working with collaborators, Dr Kim is seeking international volunteers in STEM, who can mentor the final year female students. If you are interested, please join us on LinkedIn, Women in STEM in Africa and take a part in this survey to become a mentor.
Athena Swan Charter Principles talk
GEM award to Staff Co-Chair of Student EDIC
Notable British Pakistani academic
Staff wellbeing notice boards
The Faculty Wellbeing Team in collaboration with the SECaM School Office, have set up staff wellbeing notice boards in Portland Square, Kirkby Place and Reynolds. These boards provide information about university support services, wellbeing tips and upcoming events. The aim of the notice boards is to raise awareness of wellbeing support available for staff and encourage staff to make positive changes. If you have any suggestions for the notice boards, please email
April 2023
The Inclusive Engineering Conference
The Inclusive Engineering Conference, organised by
Dr Asiya Khan
Dr Liz Hodgkinson
Tetiana Buzykina
, took place on 26 April 2023. The conference showcased some of the fantastic work from the Royal Academy Engineering (RAEng) funded project “Embedding Systemic Inclusion for Neurodiverse and Disabled Engineering Students”. We welcomed many guest speakers including Dr Mark McBride-Wright from Equal Engineers who gave a talk on ‘How Psychological Safety is Key in Enabling the Diverse Engineering Workforce of Tomorrow’. The student EDI committee chair, Semben Masudi, and some fellow SECaM students shared their experiences of inclusivity within the school and the RAEng mentoring project. Our ‘Inclusive Cultures in Engineering Employers Panel’ from Babcock and the Met Office answered some interesting questions about their organisations’ culture and policy.
View the Inclusive Engineering Conference programme.
July 2023
School Planning Day – Athena Swan and EDI Update
During the School Planning day on 5 July 2023,
Dr Yinghui Wei
SECaM Lead for EDI and Athena Swan, gave an overview of EDI activities for the 2022–23 academic year and outlined the award criteria and discussed strategies and plan for SECaM Athena Swan silver submission. The feedback from the Inclusive Cultures Training was shared with actions that have been completed so far, such as recognising staff achievements/contributions in the school newsletter. Staff were then invited to discuss and share what solutions they would like to see in order to address the issues raised. The aim of this exercise was to encourage staff to speak up about their experience of EDI in the school and involve them in planning discussions. Highlighted initiatives included student EDI introduction pilot session, SECaM staff social events, and inviting technicians to attend graduation ceremony.
PGT EDI Survey
55 postgraduate students completed the SECaM PGT EDI survey between June and July 2023. The results of the survey were very positive with 97% agreeing that they are treated fairly and respectfully on their course and 91% feel that SECaM have a strong commitment to EDI. Respondents left some helpful suggestions for improving the inclusivity of the School which the EDI Committee will discuss. Of those respondents who attended the EDI Introduction/UK Academic Culture session in February 2023, 100% said their understanding of EDI and UK academic culture had improved. Of those respondents who did not attend, 55% would like to attend an EDI session and 63% would like to attend a UK Academic Culture session. The session will be delivered in induction week to Undergraduate students and will be repeated for postgraduate students in SECaM.
Images from 2023 news
Staff wellbeing notice board
Inclusive culture training
June 2022
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion/Athena Swan update
November 2022
Student EDI Committee
SECaM have re-established their Student EDI Committee which launched on 23 November 2022.
This student-led EDI committee exists to support the School EDI Committee in promoting equality and eliminating discrimination, providing a mechanism for students to share their priorities and an opportunity to lead student initiatives and activities as they relate to EDI matters.
This year, the SECaM student EDI committee Co-Chair is Semben Masudi and the Staff Co-Chair is Anna Fisker Hansen.
“I look forward to working with Semben and the rest of the committee. Together, we will drive positive change for equality and inclusion.”
Anna Fisker Hansen
SECaM Student EDI Committee
A mechanism for students to share their priorities and an opportunity to lead EDI-related student initiatives and activities.
University launches new initiative to increase support for disabled and neurodiverse engineers
The programme will offer mentoring, internships and other interventions that highlight the opportunities a degree in engineering can unlock.
June 2021
Top 50 Women in Engineering
April 2021
SECaM Student EDIC Women in STEM webinar
The SECaM Student EDI Committee organised a Women in STEM webinar in April 2021 with two guest speakers; Sophie Harker, Senior Aerodynamicist at BAE Systems, and Hazel Atkins, BMT Senior Data Scientist and chair of the WISE Young Professionals Board. The event aimed to encourage female students to explore careers in STEM and provided the opportunity to ask questions about career paths and progression.
March 2021
LMS Women in Mathematics Day
The LMS Women in Mathematics Day was held on 24 March 2021, organised by
Dr Yinghui Wei
Dr Nathan Broomhead
Dr Colin Christopher
and Dr Daniel Robertz. This virtual event was funded by the London Mathematical Society and Royal Statistical Society, aiming to promote interest and careers in mathematics for women. The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Plymouth,
Professor Dame Judith Petts DBE
, gave a welcoming address to open the event. Talks were given by six female speakers from both academia and industry who were in a range of career stages across mathematics and statistics. The event also hosted a poster competition open to female mathematicians at undergraduate and graduate levels as well as early career researchers. Towards the end of the event, all invited speakers were panellists in the career development panel discussion, chaired by Dr Yinghui Wei. There were interesting discussions on how to attract young women to study mathematics, their professional progression, opportunities of academic life and work-life balance. Recordings from the event can be accessed on YouTube.
For more information about this event, please visit the LMS Women in Mathematics Day 2021 website.
London Mathematical Society
Royal Statistical Society
University of Plymouth
June 2020
Top 50 Women in Engineering
November 2020
School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics achieves Athena SWAN Bronze award
The School was established in 2019 and has introduced various initiatives on equality, diversity and inclusion.