Graphic design will inspire, fascinate, excite, and challenge you, whilst preparing you for the many career opportunities that lie ahead. This internationally renowned course places emphasis on:
- idea generation
- creativity and experimentation
- problem solving
- typographic excellence through branding, editorial and information design.
Small groups, each with a dedicated studio space, are guided by experienced lecturers with extensive industry know-how.
Students on the Graphic Design with Typography course are part of the vibrant arts community here at Plymouth University, where close links with partner disciplines of Photography, Illustration, Fine Arts and 3D Design help broaden knowledge and facilitate cross-media skills and awareness.
We encourage you to experiment and take risks, breaking down traditional subject boundaries, communicating creative, imaginative and innovative design solutions in response to design briefs, which will prepare you for today's ever evolving communications environments.
This forward-looking course aims to produce students who are highly creative, flexible, employable, and who are passionate about their subject.