Expo’ 17: Ecologies annual event
The School of Art, Design and Architecture Expo’ 17: Ecologies is the first showcase of its kind for postgraduate researchers across the school. The exhibition included research projects from across the diverse research groups within the school, with posters, films, and artwork. The concept of ecologies was adopted for this year’s event.
"The interconnected networks existing at the scales of mind, society and the environment."
(Felix Guattari, The Three Ecologies, 1989)
Originally defined, in the mid 19th-century, as the interconnectedness between organisms and their environment, ecology as a concept focuses on the blurred boundaries between biotic and abiotic aspects of the environment, an ecosystem. It is concerned with the processes, the relationships and interactions between those aspects rather than the physicality of their existence per se.
Ecology is a totalitarian concept that is encompassing of the transformations and flux of energy and matter in space and time.