‘Public Health: Plymouth Priorities’ aims to better understand the barriers to optimising Public Health research in Plymouth and to gather key stakeholder views of the best options for developing research capacity.
Public Health: Plymouth Priorities (PHeePP)
Blowing the starting whistle on constructive Public Health research in Plymouth

Key research questions:
1a) What Public Health research has been carried out in Plymouth in the last 5 years?
1b) What are the Public Health research priorities for Plymouth?
2) What are the barriers, and facilitators, to conducting Public Health research in Plymouth?
3a) What are the knowledge gaps in current Public Health research?
3b) How do Plymouth’s research priorities relate to these knowledge gaps?
4a) What research activities will the Local Authority and University undertake together in the future?
4b) What University, Local Authority and NIHR infrastructure organisations resource could be repurposed to support Public Health research?
4c) What additional national resource would be required to further Plymouth Public Health Research?
Data will be gathered using a variety of methods including Realist style interviews, Rapid Realist literature reviews, case studies, theory building and monthly combined workshop consensus meetings with key stake holders.
There will be an online Discussion Forum held on Friday 11 June 13.30-15.00 open to all with an interest in Public Health evaluation, research, and analysis across the city, to share and build on a better understanding of Public Health research.
To register for this event, share your thoughts on the project, and for all queries please contact Caroline Quinn, Research Administrator.