There are a wide diversity of community projects taking place, from mental health support, kindness and non-judgemental listening in Gaia Coffee and Community Hub, including peer support through Girls Against Anxiety; social support and outdoor activities for mental health and wellbeing through Healthscape CIC; warm coat donations for homeless people in the Library and Hub; work with young people in alternative education with Sound Communities and a community café and hub – Crafty Fox – supporting people through companionship, creative activity and the combined determination of volunteers, a community builder, a housing association and, most recently, a social enterprise CIC.
We got a better understanding of the collaborative work taking place through Torbay Helpline and the work of community builders within Torbay Communities, including talking to people about the impact of being part of a walking group. And this doesn’t really even scratch the surface of things going on here.
We engaged with Sound Communities, a CIC, who work with marginalised young people through radio, music and creative media production to develop creativity, improve mental health, inspire confidence, raise aspirations, increase skills and foster agency. We commissioned them to develop a short creative piece, giving an opportunity for young people to express what it is like to live where they live; to describe the places, people and activities they reach out to for support, guidance and help; and to express what’s missing in the place where they live. This short film absolutely blew us away and speaks to the need to always find a way to bring youth voices into research through methods that provide a platform for their strengths and talent.