Centre of Excellence in Naval Oceanography and Research

CENORE was established in 2009 as a joint venture between the University of Plymouth, Britannia Royal Naval College and Flag Officer Sea Training’s Hydrographic and Meteorological Training Group. It provides a focus for Royal Navy personnel seeking advanced academic degrees and offers a platform for the development of research and enterprise activities of mutual interest to the Royal Navy and the University.
The Centre of Excellence is managed by a steering group composed of representatives from the University, the University at BRNC, FOST HM and Navy Command HQ, is formally a research group within the University's Marine Institute and is closely associated with the School of Biological and Marine Sciences. CENORE liaises closely with the Marine Environment Information Centre at the UK Hydrographic Office, The Met Office and the Defence Science and Technology Laboratories (DSTL).
CENORE supports naval personnel in their progression to honours degrees, masters degrees and doctorates. We offer tuition and mentoring for research projects linking to Royal Navy operational requirements. Students can participate in ongoing research conducted by staff at the University/BRNC, or formulate new projects with an appointed supervisor.
Please contact Professor Georgy Shapiro for all education enquiries.
The research interests of staff within CENORE are diverse, although primarily focused on oceanography and underwater acoustics. They include: