Methodological Innovations
Research group focused on supporting and improving the understanding and application of contemporary approaches to the research of the social world.

The Methodological Innovations (MI) Research Group is focused on supporting and improving the understanding and application of contemporary approaches to the research of the social world.
We draws upon techniques/methods used across the health and medical professionals, natural sciences, social sciences and humanities and our membership has extensive discipline specific and inter-disciplinary researchers. In addition, there is established pedagogical expertise in supporting undergraduate and postgraduate programmes that further supports the next generation of discipline specific and inter-disciplinary research/researchers.
Auto/biography (A/B)
Auto/Biography recognises the relationship substantively and methodologically between the self and other. The Auto/Biography (A/B) cluster within the Methodological Innovations group was formed in 2012/13 and draws on the expertise of academics at all stages of their careers, some of whom are also active members of the British Sociological Association (BSA) Auto/Biography Study Group (established in 1991). For example, Professor Gayle Letherby was guest of honour at the 26th BSA Auto/Biography Study Group Summer Conference. Letherby and Parsons are also organising the BSA Auto/Biography Study Group Summer Conference in 2020. The A/B cluster group meets at least three times a year as half day conferences, paper sessions and/or research seminars with a combination of internal and external speakers. Focused themed activities include respondent-researcher relationships, organizations, power and emotion, families, relationships, and memories, autobiography and ethics. The A/B cluster has been a consistent presence at the last four Methodological Innovation conferences with a dedicated conference stream. It draws upon an inter-disciplinary staff from across the university with significance presence from health, arts, education, medical school and business.
Methodological Innovations Conferences 2014-18
For a number of years members of the MI group have organised a Methodological Innovations Conference. This conference offers a unique opportunity to debate current and future issues of methodological relevance, with delegates drawn from different disciplines and professional areas.
Some examples of Auto/Biography and Methodological publications from members of the group:
Doctoral publications that have utilised Auto/Biography:
Independent Social Research Foundation (ISRF), Residential Research Group Award: Mapping the transformative potential of participatory styles of research with vulnerable, marginalised and/or hard-to reach groups. Girton College, Cambridge 2017. Details on the ISRF website: Also, see website: