Y Wang and SM Grove, Unsaturated modelling of dual scale flow in liquid composite moulding, 8th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (FPCM8), Douai, France, 11-13 July 2006.
SM Grove, I Progoulakis, T Searle, J Summerscales and P Healey, Heated Tooling for Aerospace Composites Manufacture, SAMPE Journal, 2005, 41(7), 36-45.
J Summerscales et al, Proceedings of the ACMC/SAMPE Conference on Marine Composites, Advanced Composites Manufacturing Centre, Plymouth, September 2003. ISBN 1-870918-02-9. Refereed papers appear in a special part-issue of Composites, 2005, volume A36 part 8.
M Arney, SM Grove, I Progoulakis, T Searle, D Short, J Spooner and J Summerscales, Integrally-Heated Tooling for the Manufacture of Fibre-Reinforced Composites. Proc. Conf. ‘Composites Processing 2004’, CPA, Bromsgrove, April 2004.
John Summerscales and Paul M Russell, Observations on the fibre distribution and fibre strain in a woven fabric reinforcement, Advanced Composites Letters, 2004, 13(3), 135-140.
J Summerscales, PM Russell, S Lomov, I Verpoest and RS Parnas, The fractal dimension of X-ray tomographic sections of a woven composite, Advanced Composites Letters, 2004, 13(2), 113-121.
J Summerscales, The effect of permeant on the measured permeability of a reinforcement. 7th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, University of Delaware, Newark, USA, 7-9 July 2004.
N Joulia and SM Grove, Strength of Sandwich Panel ‘Cut and Fold’ Joints, Advanced Composites Letters, 2003, 12(6), 2003, 243-246.
T Searle, J Spooner, S Grove, R Cullen, S Davy, M Hancock and K Clark, Manufacture of Large Composite Structures by Resin Infusion, In K Dreschler (editor), Preprints of the 24th International SAMPE Europe Conference, Paris, 01-03 April 2003, pages 113. ISBN 3-9522677-0-8.
J Summerscales, Chapter 2: In-process monitoring for control of closed-mold techniques for the manufacture of thermosetting matrix composites, In Gabriel O Shonaike and Suresh G Advani (editors): "
Advanced Polymeric Materials – Structure and Property Relationships", CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton - Florida, April 2003, pp 57-101. ISBN 1-58716-047-1.
LH Bond, R Bland, SM Grove and R Sutton. Development of the Latest Resin Transfer Moulding Injection Equipment. 18th National Conference on Manufacturing Research, Leeds, Sept 2002.
D Cripps, TJ Searle and J Summerscales, Chapter 21: Open Mould Techniques for Thermoset Composites, In R Talreja and J-A Månson (editors): "Comprehensive Composite Materials Encyclopædia, volume 2: Polymer Matrix Composites", Elsevier Science, Oxford, July 2000, pp 737-761. ISBN: 0-08-043725-7