Mechanical testing
We can test materials and components on a range of accredited laboratory machines.
Test programmes can be either quick stand-alone evaluations, composites 'forensic' work, or form part of a wider programme of work involving design or optimisation.
Our Structural Integrity Laboratory has a range of machines for tension/compression, torsion, fatigue and creep including:
- Instron 68FM screw-driven 300 kN universal testing machine
- Instron 5582 screw-driven 100 kN universal test machine
- Instron 3345 screw-driven 5 kN universal test machine
- Instron ElectroPuls E10000 10kN dynamic electromagnetic fatigue machine with torsion
- Instron ElectroPuls 3000 3 kN dynamic electromagnetic fatigue machine
- Instron MDS 666C high temperature chamber
- Instron high temperature 4-point bend rig
- Zwick/Roell Amsler HIT600F drop weight impact tester
- Dantec Q-400 digital image correlation system
- Barcoll, Rockwell, Shore, superficial and Vickers hardness