MAST Composites Engineering

Principal contact: Professor John Summerscales

The University of Plymouth has conducted research into composite materials and structures since 1967. From 1987 for thirty years, this was complemented by knowledge transfer and continuing professional development provision under the Advanced Composites Manufacturing Centre (ACMC) banner. Having recognised the ACMC title does not fully represent the activity of the third-generation team, the research is now conducted as MAST Composites Engineering, with the following specialisations:

  • composites manufacturing, especially resin infusion processes
  • engineered nanomaterials and nanotechnology applications
  • marine composites
  • materials characterisation by destructive and non-destructive techniques
  • medical implants and biomaterials 
  • multi-phase modelling of biomaterials
  • numerical modelling and optimisation techniques for stress, heat and moisture transport
  • smart materials and intelligent structures
  • sustainable composites, including life cycle assessment (LCA) and waste management.
  • thin films and nano-coatings.

Composites engineering staff