The Learning and Social Justice through Lifecourse Research group combines and connects major strands of the IHC, drawing together issues of health, society, community and culture through the lenses of learning and social justice.
According to UNESCO in 2015: “ is the primary vehicle by which marginalised children, young people and adults can lift themselves out of poverty and participate fully in communities and society”.
The group draws on research funded by the ESRC, British Academy, government bodies, major charities and Europe.
It has a record of innovative interdisciplinary research which is recognised as strong in all aspects: in blue sky thinking and the development of new theories and methodologies and in producing data influencing practice and policy.
At this contemporary moment of globalism, posthumanism and postcolonialism, established ideas about what learning is and where it happens are being challenged and disrupted.
The group is distinctive in taking these challenges seriously and addressing learning as happening in multiple contexts across lives.
Research under this group is closely linked to improving practice, in early years, schools, colleges, in-community and family contexts and health-related fields, with demonstrable impacts.