2024 (forthcoming)
James Z (2023) 'Criminalizing Gypsies, Roma, and Travellers in the UK' The Routledge International Handbook on Decolonizing Justice Routledge 103-112,
James Z (2022) 'Roma, Gypsies and Travellers as a community of difference: Challenging inclusivity as an anti-racist approach' Critical Romani Studies 4, (2) 142-162
Publisher Site
James Z & McBride K (2022) 'Examining the Contours of Hate: A Critical Hate Studies Analysis' in Hall E; Clayton J; Donovan C Landscapes of Hate Tracing Spaces, Relations and Responses Policy Press 22-37
McBride K & James Z (2022) 'Hateful subjectivities: Using intersectionality to inform a Critical Hate Studies perspective' in Healy J; Colliver B Contemporary Intersectional Criminology: Examining the Boundaries of Intersectionality and Crime
Murrani, S., Lloyd, H., & Popovici, I-C. (2022) Mapping home, memory and spatial recovery in forced displacement, Social & Cultural Geography,
James Z & McBride K (2021) 'Critical Hate Studies: A new perspective' International Review of Victimology 1-17.
Close J, Spicer S, Nicklin LL, Uther M, Lloyd J & Lloyd H.(2020). 'Secondary analysis of loot box data: are high-spending “whales” wealthy gamers or problem gamblers?'
James Z (2020) 'Gypsies' and Travellers' Lived Experience of Harm: A Critical Hate Studies Perspective' Theoretical Criminology 24, (3) 502-520.
James, Z. 2020 The Harms of Hate for Gypsies and Travellers: A Critical Hate Studies Perspective. Palgrave Pivot cover image
Murrani, S. 2020. Review of Refugia: Radical Solutions to Mass Displacement, Journal of Refugee Studies, feaa077,
Naldemirci Ö, Britten N,
Lloyd H
& Wolf A. (2020). 'Epistemic injustices in clinical communication: The example of narrative elicitation in person-centred care' Sociology of Health and Illness: a journal of medical sociology,
DOI 2019
James ZC & Southern R (2019) 'Accommodating Nomadism and Mobility: Challenging the sedentarist binary approach to provision for Gypsies, Travellers and Roma' International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 39, (3/4) 324-336.
Murrani, S. 2019. ‘Contingency and Plasticity: The Dialectical Re-construction of the Concept of Home in Displacement’. Journal of Culture and Psychology.
Murrani, S. 2019. ‘Urban Creativity through Displacement and Spatial Disruption’, In: Michael E Leary-Owhin and John P McCarthy (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Henri Lefebvre, The City and Urban Society. London: Routledge. ISBN: 9781138290051.
Naldemirci, Ö, Britten, N, Lloyd, H, Wolf, A. (2019). The potential and pitfalls of narrative elicitation in person‐centred care. Health Expect. 00: 1– 9.
Hosale, MD., Murrani, S. and Decampo, A. 2018. ‘Introduction from the Editors’ to Worldmaking as Techné: Exploring Worlds of Participatory Art, Architecture, and Music. Cambridge, Ontario: Riverside Architectural Press, pp. iv-xxvi. ISBN: 978-1-988366-09-8.
Lloyd, H., et al (2018). Validation of the person-centred coordinated care experience questionnaire (P3CEQ). International Journal for Quality in Health Care,
Lloyd, H.,et al (2018). Patient-Reported Measures for Person-Centred Coordinated Care: A Comparative Domain Map and Web-Based Compendium for Supporting Policy Development and Implementation. Journal of Medical Internet Research
(JMIR). 14.02.18 in
Vol 20, No 2 (2018): February.
Murrani, S. 2018. ‘Estranged Space Appropriated’, In: Hosale, MD., Murrani, S. and de Campo, A. Worldmaking as Techné: Exploring Worlds of Participatory Art, Architecture, and Music. Cambridge, Ontario: Riverside Architectural Press, pp. 296-319.
James ZC & smith O (2017) 'Introduction to the Special Edition: Brexit Criminology' Safer Communities
James ZC & Smith D (2017) 'Roma inclusion post Brexit: a challenge to existing rhetoric?' Safer Communities
Popovici, I. (2017), 'Communist Romanian architecture. Des critiques autres: song, comedy, caricature', Critical Context Journal (2017), 93-96.
Popovici, I. (2017), 'Two Churches and A Hat: The National Bucharest Theatre or the Mythology of Post-War Romanian Architecture’, PARSE Journal, 3, 109-128.
James Z (2016) 'Gypsies and travellers in the countryside: Managing a risky population' Rural Policing and Policing the Rural: A Constable Countryside? 137-146
Lloyd, H., Peters, M., Lloyd, J., and Fitzpatrick. R. (2016). The Role of Life Context and the Outcomes that Matter to People with a Diagnosis of Schizophrenia. Health Expectations. DOI:
James Z (2014) 'Hate crimes against Gypsies, Travellers and Roma in Europe' The Routledge International Handbook on Hate Crime Routledge 237-248,
James Z (2014) 'Hate Crimes Against Gypsies, Travellers and Roma in Europe' in Hall N; Corb A; Giannasi P; Grieve J The International Handbook of Hate Crime Routledge
James Z (2014) 'Policing Hate Against Gypsies and Travellers: Dealing with the Dark Side' in Chakraborti N Responding to Hate Crime: The Case for Connecting Policy and Research Policy Press
Popovici, I. (2014), ‘Architecture Competitions – A Space for Political Contention. Socialist Romania, 1950–1956’, Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 38, 24-38.
Popovici, I. (2014),‘”The City as a Part of Nature, and Concrete as a Kind of Earth.” Japanese Architecture Meets 1960s-1980s Romanian Modernism’, Studies in History & Theory of Architecture, 2 (2014), 116-139.