displacement hero

The Displacement Studies Research Network is a global multidisciplinary community of scholars, practitioners and organisations working at the intersection between displacement, heritage, and creativity to research, share, and enhance the impact and power of the creative agencies of displaced peoples, their culture, identity, heritage, health and well-being.

The Network is dedicated to collaborative partnerships with displaced communities, and to tracing, responding to, and informing relevant policy and practice.

We have a breadth of research expertise including resilient community building through entrepreneurial activity, urban mapping, disaster risk management, heritage and peace building, creativity and psychology of the displaced, refugee law, identity, tangible and intangible cultural heritage, literature, poetry, art, media and performance. 

We also welcome new members with complementary areas of expertise and who share our mission.

University of Plymouth members

External members

  • Dr Haya Al-Dajani (Co-founder of the Displacement Studies Research Network)
  • Professor Mick Dumper (Professor in Middle East Politics, University of Exeter)
  • Dr Diana Walters (International Heritage Consultant, UK)
  • Saif Ali (Founder and director of www.integr8uk.org charity/programme)
  • Dr Nasser Yassin (Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs, American University of Beirut, Lebanon)
  • Dr Aida Essaid (Information Research Centre, King Hussein Foundation, Jordan)
  • Said Ebbini (Research Section Head, Information and Research Centre, King Hussein Foundation, Jordan)
  • Dr Ahmed Masoud (Writer and Director of Al Zaytouna Dance Theatre, UK)
  • Professor Ghada Siliq (Authority on Iraq's architectural heritage and worked extensively on urban conservation)
  • Tim Slade (Award winning and international writer, director and producer)
  • Diego Maranan (Interaction Design and Embodied Technologies, University of the Philippines)
  • Carey Marks (Photojournalist and Director of Scarlet Design, and the Sustainable Earth Institute Creative Associate 2019 for Creative Recovery)
  • Tam Martin Fowles (Founding Director Hope in the Heart CIC and UK Ambassador for the Charter for Compassion)
  • Pamela Cajilig (Design & Business Anthropologist, Communication Strategist, and Human Rights Advocate)
  • David Feindouno (Devon Area Manager, British Red Cross)
  • Isaac Kelly (Students and Refugees Together charity START management team)
  • Lucy Durneen (Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business)
  • Hoayda Darkal (PhD researcher, Human Geography and Resilience)
  • Rupert Allan (Humanitarian Community Mapping Coordinator; Research Associate: Transtechnology – AHRC)
  • Dr Rachael Kiddey (Contemporary Archaeologist, University of Oxford)
  • Eugenia Stamboliev (PhD researcher with Trans-Technology and CogNovo, Media Archaeology)
  • Francis Cetti (expert on Refugees Studies, previously affiliated with the University of East London, The Centre for Research on Migration, Refugees and Belonging (CMRB))
  • Dr Aisling O’Loghlen (Vice Chancellor’s Research Fellow in Global Challenges, Faculty of Arts, Design and Social Sciences, Northumbria University)
  • Jo Pickering (Open Doors International Language School Project Team, MA International Relations: Global Security and Development and Cert TESOL).
  • Dawn Tucker (Open Doors International Language School Project Team, student of MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration and Cert TESOL).
  • Deborah Warne (Creative writing, memories and trauma)
  • Avril Bellinger (Honorary Professor of Social Work and Founder of Students and Refugees Together Charity – START)
  • Jayne Buchanan (PhD Researcher, Art History)
  • Mjed Kouri (Humanitarian Architect – Oxford Brookes University)
  • Staci B. Martin (EdD, Portland State University, USA)
  • Waleed Abdallah (Devon and Cornwall Refugee Support – DCRS)

Justice and Imagination in Global Displacement

The Justice and Imagination in Global Displacement (JIGD) research collective comprises multidisciplinary academics whose work deals with global challenges cross-cutting issues of social and spatial displacement (and associated harms), migration, memory and material culture, identity, race and ethnicity.

Re-thinking Post Recovery Space: Strategies around Post-conflict Space and Displacement (5 June 2019)

A symposium framing participatory and creative paradigms for recovery, healing and belonging after conflict, trauma and displacement.

Information about the event

Re-thinking post recovery space

The Shroud Maker

The Shroud Maker is an evocative black comedy that delves deep into the troubles of Palestinians as they respond creatively to their challenging everyday lives under siege and occupation.
The play took place in June 2018
The Shroud Maker
Reconstructed mausoleum, Timbuktu, Mali. Image credit:
Francois Rihouay. © 2016 Vast Productions USA
Reconstructed mausoleum, Timbuktu, Mali. Image credit: Francois Rihouay. © 2016 Vast Productions USA

Human and Urban Displacement: From Crises to Creativity

Launch event of the Displacement Studies Research Network

This event brings together for the first time the Arts, Sciences and Social Sciences for an international dialogue to explore the intersection between displacement, disaster risk reduction and creativity.

Joining leading experts at the University of Plymouth, some of the biggest international names involved in policy-making, funding and disaster risk reduction such as Professor Nasser Yassin and Professor Virginia Murray as well as other reputable researchers in the fields of contested arts practice and heritage, and migration geographies such as Dr Diana Walters, Dr Ahmed Masoud and Dr Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh who will be debating, informing and uncovering collectively with established researchers and charity personals critical areas of research in displacement.

Find out more information about the event

Displacement hero image
Human and Urban Displacement - launch event. Sana Murrani
Human and Urban Displacement - launch event
Sana Murrani