• Dr Tristan Price
    Lecturer in Clinical Education
    • Health services
    • Clinical education
    • Qualitative research
    • Systematic reviews
    School/Division: Peninsula Medical School (Faculty of Health)
  • Professor Michael Punt
    Professor of Art and Technology
    • Cinema history
    • Technology history
    • Experimental film and video
    • Culture and creativity
    • Visual culture
    School/Division: School of Art, Design and Architecture (Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business)
  • Dr Robert Puschendorf
    Associate Professor in Conservation Biology
    • Climate change
    • Biodiversity
    • Conservation
    • Tropical biology
    • Emerging infectious diseases
    • Amphibians
    School/Division: School of Biological and Marine Sciences (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
  • Dr Cath Quinn
    Senior Research Fellow
    • Health inequalities
    • Health services
    • Mental health
    • Primary care
    • Public health
    • Offender health
    • Socially marginalised groups
    • Appreciative inquiry
    • Discourse analysis
    • Framework analysis
    • Grounded theory
    • Mixed-methods
    School/Division: Peninsula Medical School (Faculty of Health)
  • Professor Jocey Quinn
    Professor of Education
    • Education
    • NEETs
    • Youth
    • Informal learning
    • Universities
    • Social justice
    • Lifelong learning and Dementia
    • Arts and health
    • Ethnography
    • Observational methods
    • Participatory action research
    • Qualitative research
    School/Division: Plymouth Institute of Education - School of Society and Culture (Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business)
  • Professor Alison Raby
    Professor in Environmental Fluid Mechanics
    • Coastal engineering
    • Water waves
    • Storm damage from waves
    • Lighthouses
    • Coastal flooding
    • Tsunami damage
    School/Division: School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
  • Dr Pamela Rae
    Post Doctoral Research Fellow PIHC
    • Psychology
    • Experimental methods
    • Mixed-methods
    • Multivariate statistics
    • Qualitative research
    • Quantitative research
    School/Division: Faculty of Health
  • Professor Antonio Rago
    Visiting Professor
    • Particle physics
    • Lattice gauge theories
    • Computational physics
    • Theoretical physics
    • Standard model
    • Statistical mathematics
    School/Division: School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
  • Dr Gail Rees
    Head of School of Biomedical Sciences
    • Nutrition
    • Diet and pregnancy
    • Children's diets
    • Infant feeding
    • School meals
    • Cross-sectional studies
    • Observational methods
    • Surveys
    School/Division: School of Biomedical Sciences (Faculty of Health)
  • Dr Piers Revell
    Lecturer in International Relations (Education)
    • Politics
    • International relations
    School/Division: School of Society and Culture (Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business)
  • Professor Janet Richardson
    Emeritus Professor
    • Sustainability
    • Nursing
    • Sustainability in health
    School/Division: School of Nursing and Midwifery (Faculty of Health)
  • Mr Alec Rickard
    Associate Head of School (Teaching and Learning)
    • Chronic pain
    • Physiotherapy
    • Back pain
    • Pain management
    • Musculoskeletal conditions
    School/Division: School of Health Professions (Faculty of Health)
  • Dr Ann Rigby-Jones
    Lecturer in Pharmacology (Education)
    • Pharmacology
    • Pharmacometrics
    School/Division: Peninsula Medical School (Faculty of Health)
  • Dr Jahir Rizvi
    Lecturer in Mechanical & Marine Engineering
    • Marine vessels
    • Computational modelling of marine vessels and electronics
    • Reliability and failure analysis of micro-joints
    • Thermal management for marine electronics
    School/Division: School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
  • Dr Matt Roser
    Lecturer in Psychology
    • Brain hemispheres – asymmetry
    • Neuropsychology of reasoning
    • Brain imaging
    • Experimental methods
    • Quantitative research
    School/Division: School of Psychology (Faculty of Health)
  • Dr Jennifer Rowntree
    Associate Professor in Ecological Genetics
    • Plant ecology
    • Mangrove forests
    • Biodiversity
    • Soil health
    • Ecological genetics
    • Sustainable agriculture
    • Food security
    School/Division: School of Biological and Marine Sciences (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
  • Professor Simon Rundle
    Emeritus Professor
    • Aquatic biology
    • Bio-imaging
    • Developmental eco-physiology
    School/Division: School of Biological and Marine Sciences (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
  • Professor Paul Russell
    Professor of Coastal Dynamics
    • Nearshore waves
    • Coastal erosion
    • Surf science
    • Beach processes
    School/Division: School of Biological and Marine Sciences (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
  • Dr Vehid Salih
    Associate Professor (Reader) in Oral & Dental Health Research
    • Tissue engineering
    • Biomaterials
    • Oral cell biology
    • Oral tissues
    • Tooth structures
    • Craniofacial implants
    School/Division: Peninsula Dental School (Faculty of Health)
  • Dr Gunnar Schmidtmann
    Associate Professor of Optometry and Vision Science
    • Optometry
    • Neuroscience
    • Visual psychophysics
    • Facial perception
    • Shape perception
    • Laboratory methods
    • Quantitative research
    • Computational modelling
    School/Division: School of Health Professions (Faculty of Health)