About Alastair
I am an Associate Professor (Reader) in the School of Psychology. My work concentrates on the cognitive and neural processes by which we use spatial information to interact with the world around us. Much of the current research in my laboratory focuses on the processes that allow us to search, navigate, and represent our location within different environments. This work has concentrated on the typical development of spatial abilities (in adults and children) and atypical development in individuals with Hydrocephalus, Williams Syndrome and Autism Spectrum Conditions, as well as changes associated with typical and pathological ageing. I also conduct research on neuropsychological assessment, with a particular focus on drawing behaviour. This has involved detailed individual case and group studies of neurological patients with acquired disorders of spatial representation in various functional domains (i.e. integrative agnosia, constructional apraxia, hemispatial neglect). I have employed and developed a broad range of methods to study these behaviours, including virtual reality, GPS tracking, and transcranial electrical stimulation.
I currently hold the following roles within the University:
- Deputy Head of the School of Psychology
- Head of the Cognition and Behaviour Lab, Brain Research and Imaging Centre (BRIC)
- Mind and Brain theme lead, Plymouth Institute of Health and Care Research (PIHR)
I currently teach on the following Undergraduate and Masters modules:
- PSYC419 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology and Applied Psychological Research
- PSYC423 Environmental Psychology
- PSYC605 Research Project
- PSYC707 MSc Research Project
- PSYC723 Applied Clinical Research
Contact Alastair
B220, Portland Square, Drake Circus, Plymouth, PL4 8AA
+44 1752 584869