Waves, currents and sediment transport modelling at the Wave Hub site
COAST Engineering Research Group – completed project

Comparison of computed waves and the buoy observations at Perranporth.
Effects of the wave farm on sediment concentration, at the bottom layer, under low and high water levels. (Vectors are magnitude and direction of current velocity, colour indicates the magnitude, ▲ – St. Ives Bay, * – Wave Hub).
Gonzalez R., Zou Q., Pan S., 2013, Impacts of a wave farm on waves, currents and coastal morphology in South West England, Journal of Estuaries and Coasts. DOI: 10.1007/s12237-013-9634-z.
Gonzalez R., Zou Q., Pan S., 2011, Numerical modelling of wave-tide interactions at a wave farm in the southwest of England, Journal of Coastal Research, SI 64, ISSN 0749-0208.
Gonzalez R., Zou Q., Pan S., 2012: Modelling of the impact of a wave farm on nearshore sediment transport, Proceedings International Conference on Coastal Engineering.
Gonzalez R., Zou Q., Pan S., 2011, The impact of a wave farm on large scale sediment transport, Proceedings European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference.
Gonzalez R., Zou Q., Pan S., Padilla R., 2010: Modelling wave-tide interactions at a wave farm in the southwest of England, Proceedings International Conference on Coastal Engineering.