COAST Engineering research grants
Find out about the current and recent grants within our group

E P/K024108/1 ENFORCE - Extreme responses using NewWave: Forces, Overtopping and Run-up in Coastal Engineering, 2014 – 2017
EU FP7 £100k, Marie Curie WaveImpact, end date 31/12/2017
EPSRC £289k Virtual Wave Structure Interaction (WSI) Simulation, end date 31/03/2016
EPSRC £434k Hydrodynamics fabric structures for wave energy (SQUID), end date 31/12/2015
EU FP7 £132k, Interreg OFELIA, end date 31/10/15
EPSRC £436k, Fundamentals and reliability of offshore structure hydrodynamics (FROTH), end date 30/04/2015
University of Plymouth - Santander seed-corn scholarship (£5k, 2014), plus raised money for a submarine project
EU Atlantic Arc Programme £80k, Atlantic Power Cluster, end date 31/07/2014
Marine Research Infrastructures Network for Energy Technologies, MaRINET, EU FP7 Infrastructures, total approx 10 million euro, UoP (£86,421) 2011 - 2015
EPSRC £209k, Extreme loading of marine energy devices (X-MED), end date 07/12/2014
Marine Energy in Far Peripheral & Island Communities (MERiFIC) Interreg Proposal 693,298 euro £613,429 (UoP £197,482) 1 04 2011 – 30 – 6 – 2014
SOWFIA (Streamlining of Offshore Wave Farms Impact Assessment) European Project: Intelligent Energy Europe Programme IEE, PI and Coordinator of 10 Partner Project: total 1.9 million euro, 437,359 euro to UoP (£336,430). 2010 – 2013
THESEUS (Innovative technologies for safer European coasts in a changing climate), EU FP7 Project £297,251 (€386,427), Dec 2009 – Nov 2013.