FROTH - Fundamentals and Reliability of Offshore Structure Hydrodynamics: Project Research
Journal papers, papers under review and conference papers

Z.H. Ma, D.M. Causon, L. Qian, H. Gu, C.G. Mingham, and P. Martinez Ferrer (2015), "A GPU based compressible multiphase hydrocode for modelling violent hydrodynamic impact problems", Computers & Fluids, Vol.120, Pages 1-23. DOI
Z.H. Ma, D.M. Causon, L. Qian, C.G. Mingham, H. Gu and P. Martinez Ferrer (2014), "A Compressible Multiphase Flow Model for Violent Aerated Wave Impact Problems", Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Vol.470 (2172). DOI
V. Srirama, Q.W. Mab, T. Schlurmannc, (2014), A Hybrid Method for Modelling Two Dimensional Non-breaking and Breaking Waves, Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 272, 2014, Pages 429–454. DOI
Wang J. Ma Q.W., (2015), Numerical techniques on improving computational efficiency of spectral boundary integral method, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng, Vol. 102, Issue 10, pages 1638–1669. DOI
Mai, T. Greaves, D. and Raby, A. ‘Investigation of Aeration and Hydroelasticity: Part 1 - Drop Test into Water’
Mai, T. Greaves, D. and Raby, A. ‘Investigation of Aeration and Hydroelasticity: Part 2 - Wave Impact on Vertical Wall’
Mai, T. Greaves, D. and Raby, A. ‘Wave-Structure Interaction of Simplified FPSO’
Z.Z. Hu, D. Greaves, A. Raby., Numerical investigation of extreme wave impacts on a vertical rigid and flexible wall,
Z.Z. Hu, D. Greaves, A. Raby. (2015), Numerical wave tank of extreme waves and wave-structure interaction using OpenFOAM, Ocean Engineering
Gao F., Zang J., Mai, T., Hu, Z.Z., Greaves, D., Raby, A, Ma Z.H., Causon D.M., Mingham C.G., Qian L. Numerical investigation of wave impact on a vertical wall.
Mai, T. Greaves, D. and Raby, A. ‘Aeration effects on impact: Drop test of a flat plate’, ISOPE 2014. Abstract.
Mai T., Hu Z. Z., D. Greaves, D. and Raby, A. (2015), Investigation of Hydroelasticity: Wave Impact on a Truncated Vertical Wall. 25th Internation Socity of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE) conference. Hawaii, USA. pp. 647-654. Abstract.
Z. H. Ma, L. Qian, D. M. Causon, C. G. Mingham, T. Mai, D. Greaves, A. Raby (2015) The Role of Fluid Compressibility in Predicting Slamming Loads During Water Entry of Flat Plates, 25th Internation Socity of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE) conference. Hawaii, USA. Abstract.
QW Ma, S Yan, D Greaves, T Mai, A Raby, (2015), Numerical and Experimental Studies of Interaction between FPSO and Focusing Waves, Proceedings of 2015 ISOPE, Vol.3,655-662. Abstract.
Yan, S., Ma, Q. W., Sriram, V., Qian, L., Ferrer, P. J. M., (2015), Numerical and Experimental Studies of Moving Cylinder in Uni-directional Focusing Waves, Proceedings of 2015 ISOPE, Vol.3, 711-718. Abstract.
Zhou Y., Ma Q.W., Yan S., (2015), A new interface identification technique in two-phase MLPG_R method, Keynote Presentation in International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Reno, NV, USA. Conference website.
Ma Q. W., (2015), NEW ADVANCES IN MLPG_R METHOD FOR MODELING BREAKING WAVES AND THEIR INTERACTION WITH STRUCTURES, Keynote Presentation in International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Reno, NV, USA. Conference website.
Q.W.Ma; Sriram. V. (2013), Numerical Investigations on effects of seabed geometry on wave overtopping of coastal defense structures, Proceedings of 2013 IAHR Congress.
Ma, Q.W., Yan, S. and Zhou, J.T. (2013), Fully Nonlinear Simulation of Resonant Wave Motion in Gap between two Structures, Proceedings of 2013 ISOPE, Vol.3,pp.18-25.
Yan, S., Zhou, J.T., Ma, Q.W., Wang, J., Zheng, Y. and Wazni, B. (2013), Fully Nonlinear Simulation of Tsunami Wave Impacts on Onshore Structures, Proceedings of 2013 ISOPE, Vol.3,pp.674-681.
Zhou, J.T., Yan, S., Ma, Q.W. and Wong, Y.,(2014), Comparative Studies on Numerical Simulation of Tsunami Wave Loads on 3D onshore Structures, Proceedings of 2014 ISOPE, Vol.3, pp. 46-51.
Yan, S. and Ma, Q.W.,(2014), Sensitivity Investigation on Wave Dynamics with Thin-Walled Moonpool, Proceedings of 2014 ISOPE, Vol.3, pp218-223.
Yang, H., Yang, H., Lu, J. and Yan, S., (2014), Preliminary Numerical Study on Oil Spilling from a DHT, Proceedings of 2014 ISOPE,Vol.1, pp.610-617.
Z. Z. Hu, T. Mai, D. Greaves, A. Raby. (2015), Hydroelastic Investigation of Extreme Wave Impact on a Truncated Vertical Wall. 7th International Conference on Hydroelasticity (HYEL) in marine technology. Split, Croatia. pp. 55-64.
Z.Z. Hu, D. Greaves, A. Raby (2015), Numerical simulation of extreme wave impact on a rigid truncated vertical wall using OpenFOAM. Partnership for Research in Marin Reneable Energy (PRIMARE) 2nd Annual conference. Exeter, U.K. Conference website.
Z.Z. Hu, D. Greaves, A. Raby (2014), Numerical simulation of extreme wave interaction with an offshore structure using OpenFoam. Partnership for Research in Marin Reneable Energy (PRIMARE) 1st Annual conference. Plymouth, U.K. pp. 26. Conference website.
Z.Z. Hu, D. Greaves, A. Raby (2014), Simulation of Extreme Free Surface Waves Using OpenFOAM. Proceedings of the 5th Conference on the application of physical modelling to port and coastal protection, Varna, Bulgaria.Vol. 2, pp. 243-252. Conference website.
Gao F., Ma Z.H., Zang J., Causon D.M., Mingham C.G., Qian L. Simulation of breaking wave impact on a vertical wall with a ompressible two-phase flow model, The Twenty-fifth (2015) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Hawaii, USA, June 21-26,2015.
Gao F., Zang J., Blenkinsopp C. Numerical Simulation of Breaking Wave Impact on a Vertical Wall, the 30th Intl Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, pp65-68. Bristol (UK), April 12–15, 2015. Abstract.
Gao F., Zang J. Numerical Simulations of Breaking Waves at Vertical Wall, 11th Pacific-Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium. 2014, pp230-234. Shanghai, China. Abstract.